
楼主 |
发表于 2020-8-14 12:01:37
鼠标滚轮直接修改 Via 的行数和列数skill脚本
http://bbs.eetop.cn/forum.php?mo ... amp;fromuid=1573268
(出处: EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网))
- ;==========================================================================
- ;Function: "Ctrl" or "Shift" + mouse wheel to modify the horizontal or vertical number of through holes (Via)
- ;Instructions:
- ; 1.In the CIW window, Load this il file
- ; 2.In the layout window, After selecting Via,
- ; Hold down "Ctrl" or "Shift" and slide the mouse wheel
- ;
- ;Note: When selecting Via, you may accidentally select other devices.
- ; This script only modifies Via parameters, not other device parameters.
- ;
- ;==========================================================================
- row = "row"
- col = "column"
- hiSetBindKey("Layout" "Shift<Btn4Down>" "NewVia(row 1)")
- hiSetBindKey("Layout" "Shift<Btn5Down>" "NewVia(row -1)")
- hiSetBindKey("Layout" "Ctrl<Btn4Down>" "NewVia(col 1)")
- hiSetBindKey("Layout" "Ctrl<Btn5Down>" "NewVia(col -1)")
- procedure(NewVia(dir num)
- instID = geGetSelSet() ;get via ID list
- viaID = setof(obj instID obj~>objType == "stdVia")
- rotation = list("R90" "R270" "MYR90" "MXR90")
- foreach(via viaID
- when(dir == "row"
- if(member(via~>orient rotation) == nil then
- org = via~>cutRows
- via~>cutRows = apply('plus list(org num))
- else
- org = via~>cutColumns
- via~>cutColumns = apply('plus list(org num))
- );end if
- );end when
- when(dir == "column"
- if(member(via~>orient rotation) == nil then
- org = via~>cutColumns
- via~>cutColumns = apply('plus list(org num))
- else
- org = via~>cutRows
- via~>cutRows = apply('plus list(org num))
- );end if
- );end when
- );end foreach()
- );end procedure