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首先 看到很多商家在某宝收费安装IC616 表示强烈谴责 还说是什么辛苦费 说什么不为钱只为交流 都是狗P莫让小小的软件耽误了大家研究的脚步
所有需要下载的东西都能在论坛里找到 看这个帖子 http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-593172-1-1.html
另外需要下载cadence_patch 也好找 还有license.dat
我用的ubuntu版本是16.04 LTS 全新安装 64位的 用户名是nan 后面大家跟着改就是了 后面我偷个懒用英文描述了 大家都是做研究的 应该都能看懂的。
1. Create folder /home/nan/eda, create another folder /home/nan/eda/download. Put all your downloaded files into this folder.
2. Open a terminal.
$ cd ~/eda/download/
$ zcat IScape04.23-s010lnx86.t.Z | tar -xvf –
$ sudo apt-get install default-jre
$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk
$ sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 ksh csh tcsh nscd ureadahead
$ cd iscape/bin/
$ ./iscape.sh
注意:我把Iscape安装文件直接放~/eda/download目录下了 你们自己看着改
3. The default installation folder is /home/nan/cadence/installs and this will be useful.
Here are the operations to use InstallScape to install Cadence.
a. Click ‘Local directory/Media install’ icon.
b. ‘Browse’ and choose ‘eda/download/IC06.16.005_ln86.Base/CDROM1’. click ‘Select Directory’.
c. ‘Continue’, check the box in results, ‘Next’, ‘Start’.
There are 7 pop-up windows asking you to do configuration, read them carefully.
When asking you to install libraries, type ‘y’ for yes and press enter. ‘n’ for no is also ok.
When asking blah blah for AMS Designer, type ‘2’ for quit and press enter.
When asking blah blah OpenAccess 2.2 Configuration Utility, press enter first, then type ‘n’ for no and press enter.
d. Click ‘Done’ in InstallScape window.
#################### Cadence IC616 Base is installed. #######################
4. If you clicked ‘Done’ in InstallScape window, you will see a red ‘Cancel’ at the bottom. Click it and ‘Browse’ again for ‘Hotfix’ folder, ‘/home/nan/eda/download/IC06.16.090_lnx86.Hotfix/CDROM1’. Repeat what you did for ‘Base’ above, simply just press enter. Don’t forget to click ‘Done’ when it’s done.
#################### Cadence IC616 Hotfix is installed. #######################
5. If you clicked ‘Done’ in InstallScape window, you will see a red ‘Cancel’ at the bottom. Click it and ‘Browse’ again for ‘MMSIM141’ folder, ‘/home/nan/eda/download/MMSIM14.10.138_lnx86.Base/CDROM1’. Repeat what you did above, simply just press enter. Don’t forget to click ‘Done’ when it’s done.
#################### Cadence MMSIM141 is installed. #######################
Now close InstallScape window, you don’t need it.
6. Configure the environment parameters.
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
Add these lines at the very end, read these lines carefully, you may need to do some changes.
###########################for cadence ###############################
# Cadence stuff
cadence () {
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/share/license/license.dat
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/share/license/license.dat
export CDS_Netlisting_Mode=Analog
export OA_HOME=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/oa_v22.43.040
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/tools/bin PATH
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/tools/dfII/bin PATH
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/tools/spectre/bin PATH
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/share/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/IC616/share/cdsdoc/bin:$PATH
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/MMSIM141/tools.lnx86/bin:$PATH
export CDS_TEST_LIBPATH=/usr/lib:/lib
注意:上面的路径设置好像不太成功 因为echo $PATH没变,所以可能放/etc/profile里比较好吧 自己试试吧 不太影响的
7 Configure the compiler
After rebooted, type these lines in terminal.
$ uname -a
$ cd ~/cadence/installs/IC616/share/oa/bin/
$ gedit sysname
Because we are running Ubuntu 16.04, the kernel version is 4.4.0 which double checked by ‘uname -a’, so at line 208 we change ‘2.6.* | 3.0.*)’ to ‘2.6.* | 4.4.*)’. Don’t forget to save it.
注意:这里主要是以前的内核都是2.6 3.0啥的 现在内核都到4.4了 所以要适应新环境
Now change dir to Cadence bin folder.
$ cd ~/cadence/installs/IC616/bin/
$ ./virtuoso -64
Here, it won’t run because we have dependency issues, we will solve it now.
8. Cadence library dependencies.
$ wget http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ ... 6_1.0.2-2_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i libxp6_1.0.2-2_amd64.deb
注意:其实这个包也可以在别的地方下载 如果上面的链接死掉了的话
9. 嘿嘿嘿 你懂的
a. Copy ‘license.dat’ to /home/nan/cadence/installs/IC616/share/lincense/
b. Check your PC host name by typing ‘hostname’ in terminal, my host name is ‘nan-ubuntu’ in this case.
c. Edit your ‘license.dat’ by right click the file and choose ‘Open with gedit’. Change the first line ‘#SERVER localhost ANY 5288’ to ‘#SERVER nan-ubuntu ANY 5288’. Don’t forget to save before you close the file.
$ cd ~/eda/download/cadence_patch/
$ ./cadence_patch.sh ~/cadence/installs/IC616
$ ./cadence_patch.sh ~/cadence/installs/MMSIM141
注意:这里如果你无法运行sfx 回到第1步看看是不是有的必要的库你没装全 证书我下的IC615的也能用 也是坛子里的人发的链接 哪来着我忘了 patch也是坛子里有链接 仔细找找吧 都有的。运行时别忘了加参数-64 不然就会以32位运行 就缺更多的库了 还要装 更麻烦
Now you can enjoy Cadence by
$ cd ~/cadence/installs/IC616/bin/
$ ./virtuoso -64
######### Special thanks to bbs.eetop.cn ######################
########################### THE END ########################### |