RHEL 6.5 64位操作系统下安装Cadence IC6.16 和 MMSIM13.1,按照min4max的方法(见帖子 http://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-452284-1-1.html)。Cadence IC616能够正常启动,并且可以在ADE L Editing中编辑原理图,见下图:
使用ADE L进行DC稳态工作点仿真时候,收到提示:
ERROR<ADE-3036>:Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log has not been generated.
Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version of the simulator you are running. Choose Setup- >Environment and verify that the command line options specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the simulator. Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation file in the netlist directory to know the exact cause of the error.
按照给出的另外一条途径,cd 进入netlist文件夹,运行 runSimulation文件,结果提示:
./runSimulation: line 2: spectre: command not found. 见下图:
查看 runSimulation文件内容为:
# runSimulation scripts generated for spectre interactive are not intended to be used for command line.
spectre input.scs +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out +inter=mpsc
+mpssession=spectre0_10609_3 -format psfxl -raw ../psf +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 -64
搜索到spectre的路径为 /opt/cadence/MMSIM131/bin 或 /opt/cadence/MMSIM131/tools 或 /opt/cadence/MMSIM131/tools.lnx86,并且在min4max提供的脚本文件cadence 中包含MMSIM环境变量设置语句:
export PATH=$MMSIMHOME/bin:$MMSIMHOME/tools/bin:$MMSIMHOME/tools/spectre/bin:${PATH}
本人在根目录 / 下面创建路径 /opt/cadence用于安装IC616和MMSIM131,并且将工程文件夹创建在同一目录下,见下图:
看到网上有很多朋友都遇到过ERROR <ADE -3036>的问题,但还是没能找到一套可用的解决办法,现将我的详细情况贴在这里,望各位朋友帮助解决一下。 |