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[资料] 鸿篇巨制 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Vol.1-Vol.4

发表于 2014-12-13 20:04:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 fwbnick 于 2014-12-13 20:30 编辑

Academic Press Library in Signal Processing: Four Volume Set

Vol.1: Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning
Vol.2: Communications and Radar Signal Processing
Vol.3: Array and Statistical Signal Processing
Vol.4: Image, Video Processing and Analysis, Hardware, Audio, Acoustic and Speech Processing

Edited By Sergios Theodoridis, and  Rama Chellappa 2013

Vol.1: Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning

Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning.jpg


目  目录:
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Signal Processing Theory
CHAPTER 2 Continuous-Time Signals and Systems
CHAPTER 3 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
CHAPTER 4 Random Signals and Stochastic Processes
CHAPTER 5 Sampling and Quantization
CHAPTER 6 Digital Filter Structures and their Implementation
CHAPTER 7 Multirate Signal Processing for Software Radio Architectures
CHAPTER 8 Modern Transform Design for Practical Audio/Image/Video Coding Applications
CHAPTER 9 Discrete Multi-Scale Transforms in Signal Processing
CHAPTER 10 Frames in Signal Processing
CHAPTER 11 Parametric Estimation
CHAPTER 12 Adaptive Filters
CHAPTER 13 Introduction to Machine Learning
CHAPTER 14 Learning Theory
CHAPTER 15 Neural Networks
CHAPTER 16 Kernel Methods and Support Vector Machines
CHAPTER 17 Online Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
CHAPTER 18 Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models
CHAPTER 19 A Tutorial Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods, Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Particle Filtering
CHAPTER 20 Clustering
CHAPTER 21 Unsupervised Learning Algorithms and Latent Variable Models: PCA/SVD, CCA/PLS, ICA, NMF, etc.
CHAPTER 22 Semi-Supervised Learning
CHAPTER 23 Sparsity-Aware Learning and Compressed Sensing: An Overview
CHAPTER 24 Information Based Learning
CHAPTER 25 A Tutorial on Model Selection
CHAPTER 26 Music Mining


Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning 2014.part1.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1628 )

Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning 2014.part2.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1462 )

Signal Processing Theory and Machine Learning 2014.part3.rar (8.52 MB, 下载次数: 985 )

Vol.2: Communications and Radar Signal Processing 2014

Communications and Radar Signal Processing.jpg


[size=1.23em]目 目录:
1. Introduction to Signal Processing for Communications;
2. Synchronization;
3. Channel Estimation, Equalization, Precoding,and Tracking;
4. Blind Signal Separation for Digital Communication Data;
5. OFDM and Multicarrier Signal Processing;
6. Signal Processing for Vectored Multichannel VDSL;
7. Distributed Detection and Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks;
8. Signal Processing and Optimal Resource Allocation for the Interference;
9. Advances in Spectrum Sensing and Cross-Layer Design for Cognitive Radio Networks;
10. Introduction to the Radar Signal Processing;
11. Radar Clutter Modeling and Analysis;
12. Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar;
13. MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas-From Concepts to Designs;
14. Optimal Radar Waveform Design;
15. Multitarget Multisensor Tracking;
16. Passive Bistatic Radar;
17. Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging: Theory and Applications;
18. Multi-Channel SAR for Ground Moving Target Indication;
19. Introduction to Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar;
19. SAR Interferometry and Tomography: Theory and Applications;
20. Radar Polarimetry Basics and Selected Earth Remote Sensing Applications;
21. Integrated Sensor Systems and Data Fusion for Homeland Protection

Communication and Signal Processing 2014.part1.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 2205 )

Communication and Signal Processing 2014.part2.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1475 )

Communication and Signal Processing 2014.part3.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1438 )

Communication and Signal Processing 2014.part4.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1519 )

Communication and Signal Processing 2014.part5.rar (1.19 MB, 下载次数: 615 )

Vol.3: Array and Statistical Signal Processing 2014

Array and Statistic Signal Processing.jpg


[size=1.23em]目 目录:1. Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing;
2. Model Order Selection;
3. Non-Stationary Signal Analysis Time-Frequency Approach;
4. Bayesian Computational Methods in Signal Processing;
5. Distributed Signal Detection;
6. Quickest Change Detection;
7. Geolocation-Maps, Measurements, Models, and Methods;
8. Performance Analysis and Bounds;
9. Diffusion Adaptation Over Networks;
9. Array Signal Processing: Overview of the Included Chapters;  
10. Introduction to Array Processing;
11.  Adaptive and Robust Beamforming;
12. Broadband Beamforming and Optimization;
13. DOA Estimation Methods and Algorithms;
14. Subspace Methods and Exploitation of Special Array Structures;
15. Performance Bounds and Statistical Analysis of DOA Estimation;
16. DOA Estimation of Nonstationary Signals;
17. Source Localization and Tracking;
18. Array Processing in the Face of Nonidealities;
19. Applications of Array Signal Processing

Array and Statistic Signal Processing 2014.part1.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1303 )

Array and Statistic Signal Processing 2014.part2.rar (11.86 MB, 下载次数: 1429 )

Vol.4: Image, Video Processing and Analysis, Hardware, Audio, Acoustic and Speech Processing 2014

Image Video Processing.jpg

CHAPTER 1 Digital Imaging: Capture, Display, Restoration, and Enhancement
CHAPTER 2 Image Quality in Consumer Digital Cameras
CHAPTER 3 Image and Document Capture-State-of-the-Art and a Glance into the Future
CHAPTER 4 Image Display-Mobile Imaging and Interactive Image Processing
CHAPTER 5 Image Display-Printing (Desktop, Commercial)
CHAPTER 6 Image Restoration: Fundamentals of Image Restoration
CHAPTER 7 Iterative Methods for Image Restoration
CHAPTER 8 Image Processing at Your Fingertips: The New Horizon of Mobile Imaging
CHAPTER 9 Image Analysis and Recognition
CHAPTER 10 Multi-Path Marginal Space Learning for Object Detection
CHAPTER 11 Markov Models and MCMC Algorithms in Image Processing
CHAPTER 12 Identifying Multivariate Imaging Patterns: Supervised, Semi-Supervised, and Unsupervised Learning Perspectives
CHAPTER 13 Video Processing-An Overview
CHAPTER 14 Foveated Image and Video Processing and Search
CHAPTER 15 Segmentation-Free Biometric Recognition Using Correlation Filters
CHAPTER 16 Dynamical Systems in Video Analysis
CHAPTER 17 Image-Based Rendering
CHAPTER 18 Activity Retrieval in Large Surveillance Videos
CHAPTER 19 Multi-Target Tracking in Video
CHAPTER 20 Compressive Sensing for Video Applications
CHAPTER 21 Virtual Vision for Camera Networks Research
CHAPTER 22 Introduction: Hardware and Software
CHAPTER 23 Distributed Smart Cameras for Distributed Computer Vision
CHAPTER 24 Mapping Parameterized Dataflow Graphs onto FPGA Platforms
CHAPTER 25 Distributed Estimation
CHAPTER 26 Introduction to Audio Signal Processing
CHAPTER 27 Music Signal Processing
CHAPTER 28 Perceptual Audio Coding
CHAPTER 29 Introduction to Acoustic Signal Processing
CHAPTER 30 Acoustic Echo Control
CHAPTER 31 Dereverberation
CHAPTER 32 Sound Field Synthesis
CHAPTER 33 Introduction to Speech Processing
CHAPTER 34 Speech Production Modeling and Analysis
CHAPTER 35 Enhancement

Image Video Processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing 2014.part1.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1158 )

Image Video Processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing 2014.part2.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1211 )

Image Video Processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing 2014.part3.rar (14 MB, 下载次数: 1143 )

Image Video Processing and analysis, hardware, audio, acoustic and speech processing 2014.part4.rar (10.55 MB, 下载次数: 932 )

发表于 2014-12-13 23:53:39 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# fwbnick
发表于 2014-12-14 16:42:07 | 显示全部楼层
good work
发表于 2014-12-15 12:25:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-15 12:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-15 19:38:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-16 20:42:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-17 15:53:47 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝分享, 快被淹沒了
发表于 2014-12-18 12:54:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-12-21 17:07:34 | 显示全部楼层
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