发表于 2020-4-3 16:14:50
terminal input command:: spectre -h tran
Transient noise parameters
79 trannoisemethod=default
use this option to enable the adaptive noise step
control. Possible values are default and adaptive.
80 noisefmax=0 Hz The bandwidth of pseudorandom noise sources. A valid
(nonzero) noisefmax turns on the noise sources during
transient analysis. The maximum time step of the
transient analysis is limited to 0.5/noisefmax.
81 noisescale=1 Noise scale factor applied to all generated noise.
Can be used to artificially inflate the small noise
to make it visible above transient analysis numerical
noise floor, but it should be small enough to
maintain the nonlinear operation of the circuit .
82 noiseseed Seed for the random number generator. Should be
positive integer. Specifying the same seed allows you
to reproduce a previous experiment.
83 noisefmin (Hz) If specified, the power spectral density of the noise
sources depends on the frequency in the interval from
noisefmin to noisefmax. Below noisefmin, the noise
power density is constant. The default value is
noisefmax, so that only white noise is included by
default, and noise sources are evaluated only at
noisefmax for all models. 1/noisefmin cannot exceed
the requested time duration of transient analysis.
84 noisetmin (s) Time interval between noise source updates. Default
is 0.5/noisefmax. Smaller values produce smoother
noise signals, but reduce time integration step.
85 noiseupdate=step Forces evaluation of bias-dependent device noise
sources with noisetmin step (`fmax'), or at each time
step, even if it is smaller than noisetmin value
(`step'). Possible values are step and fmax.
86 origname
87 noiseon=[...] The list of instances to be considered as noisy
during transient noise analysis.
88 noiseoff=[...] The list of instances to be considered as not noisy
during transient noise analysis.