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楼主: domino.kk

[求助] DAC的问题

发表于 2011-1-21 23:28:32 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fhchen2002 于 2011-1-22 07:07 编辑

Please refer to equation (11) in the classical paper of JSSC 1989 "Matching Properties of MOS Transistors" by Pelgrom.
You are supposed to get the MOS mismatch characterization report from foundry, which (at least) provides the key mismatch parameters "A_vt" and "A_beta."
Without these parameters, you don't know how much (Vgs - Vth) is sufficient.

A_vt (1-sigma of Vt0 mismatch, assuming W*L = 1 um^2)  for 0.35 um CMOS technology is a few mV/um.
(say, 5-7 mV)
A_beta (1-sigma of beta mismatch, assuming W*L = 1 um^2) for 0.35 um CMOS technology is roughly 1.2-1.5%.

From Pelgrom's equation you know in case you set high enough (Vgs - Vth), the contribution of Vth mismatch can be made less.
Then you can calculate the 1-sigma of unit-current source mismtaches based on A_vt, A_beta, (Vgs - Vth), W and L.
Remember you have 1,023 of such unit current devices, and DNL is the worst among these 1,023.
Suppose you want to get yield more than 99%.
Then your choice of (Vgs - Vth), W and L needs to guarantee mismatch causes error < 1 LSB (or even < 0.5 LSB, depending on how you set your design target). ...

Remember, the boundary of thermometer decode and binary-weighted decode is the worst case. ...

Owing to the fact your unit current is so small, my guts feeling says, even at 23.5 um channel length, the (Vgs - Vth) is still not large enough, (but I did not run simulations).
发表于 2011-1-22 07:57:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fhchen2002 于 2011-1-22 08:04 编辑

回复 8# domino.kk

电源电压5V,用的是0.35um工艺,单位电流源的尺寸选择w=450nm,l=23.5um。这样可以保证一定的Vgs-Vth,不过我不知道一般要保证多大的Vgs-Vth,还有一个问题我不知道是不是开关电路部分出问题了还是怎么的,输出电路最后有很大的尖脉冲,尖脉冲全部出现在转换过程中。 ...

No need to check the waveform.

(Since you are using differential architecture,)
Two major factors contribute to glitches:
1. Whether your current sources are always maintained in saturation region (100% of the time),
Assume you have right-side switches, which direct current to the load, and you have left-side switches, which direct current to ground.  Your switch driver has to be carefully designed, and delay/load balanced.
(A) The signal delay from clock rising/falling edge to decoder outputs are well balanced.  (No matter what code is applied, the delay from clock edge to decoder outputs are almost identical.)
(B) Decoder driver is fine tuned, such that at the time right side switches are turned on (i.e., the current sources start to charge up the load), the left side switches are not completely turned off.  Thus there is a short period of time both sides divide the current from the current sources.  This scheme guarantees your current sources are 100% of the time maintained in saturation region.

2. How you determine how many bits are thermometer decoded, and how many are binary weighted decoded.
(I hope you are not using 100% binary weighted current sources.)  With ideal power and ground, you probably don't observe so huge the effect of factor two from simulation.

Assuming you are using 6-bit thermometer decode (MSB current source arrays), and 4-bit binary weighted (LSB) source sources.

LSB: 1X unit-current
2nd LSB: 2X unit current
3rd LSB: 4X unit current
4th LSB: 8X unit current
The rest 6 MSB's are thermometer decoded, so each MSB current source has 16X unit current, and you have 63 of such MSB current sources.

At first, your DAC input is 00,0000,1111.  All you LSB current sources are directed to the output.
None of your MSB surrent sources are selected and directed to the output.

The next time, your DAC input is 00,0001,0000.
None of your LSB current sources are directed to the load, and the 1st thermometer decoded MSB current source is directed to the output.
So the transition from 15 to 16 (decimal), we observe glitch due to switching of current source direction from (non-ideal) ground to the load.
So are the cases fom 31-32, 47-48, 63-64 transtions, and so forth.

If you use fully binary weighted current sources, at 511-512 transition, you observe the largest glitch. (I hope not.)

Your DNL also depends on how you determine # of MSB and # of LSB bits.
Then you to check whether (Vgs - Vth) is large enough to support the DNL you want.
(But this is another topic. ...)

  • Cascode reduces the noise coupling from decoder switching to the gate of current sources.
  • You may choose 3.3 V as the power supply level, to complete your 0.35 um 10-bit DAC design.  It is an easily achievable target, since you don't not have large output swing.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 16:48:33 | 显示全部楼层
回复 12# fhchen2002

发表于 2011-1-22 19:41:04 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-22 20:00:51 | 显示全部楼层
回复 14# sijutann

    有10nA也行呀,能留个QQ,MSN 或邮箱什么的吗?或者方便的话给些资料也行,我就是搞不定呀,万分感谢了,我最近被老板逼死了
发表于 2011-1-23 00:23:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-1-23 08:06:50 | 显示全部楼层
回复 13# domino.kk

Q: Did you check whether your current sources are always in saturation (with 100K load)?  Do you have "left-side" switches and "right-side" switches?
Q: Why didn't you consider nMOS switch?


1. Whether your current sources are always maintained in saturation region (100% of the time),
Assume you have right-side switches, which direct current to the load, and you have left-side switches, which direct current to ground.  Your switch driver has to be carefully designed, and delay/load balanced.

(A) The signal delay from clock rising/falling edge to switch decoder outputs are well balanced.  (No matter what code is applied, the delay from clock edge to decoder outputs are almost identical.)

(B) Switch decoder driver is fine tuned, such that at the time right side switches are turned on (i.e., the current sources start to charge up the load), the left side switches are not completely turned off.  Thus there is a short period of time both sides divide the current from the current sources.  This scheme guarantees your current sources are 100% of the time maintained in saturation region.

If you use nMOS switches, you only have to make strong-P-weak-N switch driver to achieve (B).
 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-23 12:21:29 | 显示全部楼层
回复 16# sijutann

 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-23 12:44:43 | 显示全部楼层
回复 16# sijutann

发表于 2011-1-23 19:30:44 | 显示全部楼层
回复 19# domino.kk

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