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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 低功耗芯片设计研讨会 | 5.29上海、6.5武汉、6.12深圳(免费 参会有好礼) attach_img jackzhang 7 天前 22396 jing_guo 前天 16:31
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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 创芯大讲堂新课上线《DFT 设计与实现》限时75折 attach_img 创芯讲堂运营 2023-11-15 714259 nicolast86 2024-4-26 16:24
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 忆阻器、第三代半导体等半导体材料与器件讲坛(资料+视频) jackzhang 2024-3-8 012875 jackzhang 2024-3-15 09:26
[资料] 2011 New Book: 4G LTE/LTE-Advanced for Mobile Broadband attach_img  ...23456..8 spwedasd 2011-5-22 7513872 csfan007 昨天 21:45
[原创] 现代通信原理等基本经典书籍(都整理为一本就可以下载) attachment  ...23456 newmsgnet 2013-5-12 5512760 jianchongzhou 昨天 10:45
通信原理2(北邮~杨鸿文)课件 attachment  ...23 blueblueblue 2009-9-25 234938 jianchongzhou 昨天 10:12
[资料] 北京邮电大学杨鸿文教授无线通信讲义 - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2 raowy2009 2011-4-5 1499 jianchongzhou 昨天 10:06
[转贴] Deep Space Optical Communications 1st Edition - [阅读权限 5]attach_img vanduongbk 2017-10-25 661 ricvadim 前天 15:25
[Ebook]罗伯特.A.威特 频谱和网络测量 attachment  ...23456..12 wangmulin 2006-8-6 11722634 cpld 前天 14:05
[资料] Mobile Communication Networks 5G and a Vision of 6G attach_img New ccachi 4 天前 5197 myjobtel 前天 06:27
[原创] Digital Signal Processing using Matlab 原版 attachment  ...234 franklee 2019-3-2 326981 奔月飞猪 3 天前
[资料] 通信系统仿真(Simulation of Communication Systems)(第二版)中文版 大图转pdf attach_img  ...23456..9 hongwb 2012-7-9 8022504 奔月飞猪 3 天前
[资料] 普林斯顿数学指南 attachment shawn104 2023-9-26 6575 zlhrsy 4 天前
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[资料] 《深入浅出数字信号处理》 attachment  ...23456..8 tide 2020-2-23 7315941 奔月飞猪 6 天前
[原创] GPS: Theory, Algorithms and Applications , 3rd ed. 2016 Edition attach_img  ...234 Jason.tschen 2016-7-31 334961 奔月飞猪 6 天前
[资料] 数字通信原理(Digital.Communications)Proakis英文第五版 带目录标签高清扫描OCR版pdf attachment  ...23456..21 lyrens 2011-5-14 20650217 lutherliu 6 天前
MIT G. Gallager重拳出击,2008年新书principles of digital communication attachment  ...23456..34 guihe 2008-6-30 33947149 jianchongzhou 6 天前
[原创] Madhow的Fundamentals of Digital Communication attachment  ...23 szjiang 2010-7-8 225050 jianchongzhou 6 天前
[原创] 线性系统与信号-第2版 BP lathi著 attachment  ...23456..18 lcxxcl 2011-5-11 17039066 Mercurzy 7 天前
Multirate and Wavelet Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 fjlihh 2008-5-5 568769 lutherliu 7 天前
[资料] 【2017 书】 Understanding GPS/GNSS:Principles and Applications (第三版) attachment  ...23 hsh22 2019-2-23 224860 lutherliu 7 天前
[原创] GPS卫星定位的新书-GNSS Applications and Methods有c源码 attachment  ...23456 hgdllt 2010-11-4 5915358 lutherliu 7 天前
[eBook] Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication Systems attachment  ...23456..7 zzone 2009-1-10 6814380 lutherliu 7 天前
[资料] 数字通信 第五版中英文版,附习题详细解答,全部都是高清版本 attach_img  ...23456..7 liang_20120830 2019-3-3 6115265 lutherliu 7 天前
现代通信收发机设计 Wireless Transceiver Design attachment  ...23456..17 supertorus 2009-6-15 16924927 804759740 7 天前
信息论与编码理论(第二版,Robert J. McEliece 著) attachment  ...2345 核聚变 2008-4-2 468048 binnq 2024-5-15 15:24
[资料] [天线圣经].Antenna.Theory.Analysis.and.Design(3rd.Edition) attachment  ...234 yikehongxing 2012-9-27 339003 binnq 2024-5-15 15:22
[原创] 一本LDPC码的好书 attachment  ...2345 zgdzdjkf2009 2012-3-21 4110754 binnq 2024-5-15 15:21
[资料] 《The Art of Error Correcting Coding》第二版 attachment  ...2 pwang7 2022-5-2 196464 binnq 2024-5-15 15:13
[资料] LDPC Code Designs, Constructions, and Unification 2016 New Book attach_img  ...23456..7 spwedasd 2016-12-11 6917966 binnq 2024-5-15 15:12
[资料] [Turbo与LDPC编解码及其应用] attachment  ...234 sailor123 2019-9-3 387100 binnq 2024-5-15 15:11
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【信息】通信的数学基础(信息论开山之作,香农,1948) attachment  ...23456..7 e.h 2008-4-14 6510811 binnq 2024-5-15 15:02
[ebook]信息论与编码理论 attachment  ...234 qqxyt 2008-6-6 326958 binnq 2024-5-15 15:01
基站射频收发系统设计(射频系统级设计的经典资料) attachment  ...23456..14 jampter 2007-5-28 13125929 binnq 2024-5-15 14:54
[资料] 《SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, Fifth Edition》推荐一本享誉世界的经典书籍 attach_img  ...23456..9 zhaish 2012-10-2 8724521 binnq 2024-5-15 14:53
[资料] turbo译码器IP核 attachment xdwlian 2010-7-2 83982 binnq 2024-5-15 14:52
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