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全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 ISSCC2024 Session Digest PPT Short-Course  ...2345 james2007 2024-2-23 4416300 funnyang3311 昨天 15:20
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 从RTL到GDSII IC设计、IP协同管理专属培训(五星级酒店 南京 苏州 上海 合肥 杭州 等 attach_img jackzhang 5 天前 0484 jackzhang 5 天前
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 忆阻器、第三代半导体等半导体材料与器件讲坛(资料+视频) jackzhang 2024-3-8 09048 jackzhang 2024-3-15 09:26
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 创芯大讲堂新课上线《DFT 设计与实现》限时75折 attach_img 创芯讲堂运营 2023-11-15 610266 sutaotao2001 2024-2-17 13:03
无线通信FPGA设计 attachment  ...23456..26 xiaojj2005 2008-10-8 25632415 skahill 5 小时前
[资料] 国外经典通信书籍28本 attachment  ...23456..7 newmsgnet 2014-6-21 6714321 binnq 5 小时前
[资料] LDPC编码的研究与硬件实现 attachment  ...2 xinyuyg 2011-3-24 163710 binnq 5 小时前
[资料] Standard Handbook of Electronic Engineering, Fifth Edition attachment  ...2 li.hacker000 2010-10-5 153374 zhuleidz 5 小时前
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[资料] MIMO RADAR SIGNAL PROCESSING attachment xdwinter2021 2021-7-1 41616 binnq 6 小时前
新书Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing MATLAB Applications attachment  ...23456..28 jacobshen 2009-6-10 27034599 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] 5G Mobile Communications attach_img  ...2345 daemonstar 2018-11-14 406718 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] 信号处理导论-英文pdf原版(introduction to signal processing) attachment  ...23456..8 mryu 2011-12-2 7324727 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] Radar.and.Electronic.Warfare.Systems(简氏:雷达与电子战系统) attachment  ...23456..7 xys_2001 2010-2-1 6413419 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] turbo译码器IP核 attachment xdwlian 2010-7-2 73872 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] Multiple Access Techniques for 5G Wireless Networks and Beyond attach_img  ...234 daemonstar 2019-2-15 357250 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] OFDM系统中的载波频偏估计算法及其性能分析 attachment  ...2 vikingg 2015-9-14 134623 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] 《SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, Fifth Edition》推荐一本享誉世界的经典书籍 attach_img  ...23456..9 zhaish 2012-10-2 8623851 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] Digital Communications A Discrete Time Approach by Michael Rice attachment  ...23456..14 bellbell 2010-7-31 13031426 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] Antennas in Satellite communication attachment  ...2 shubh_ic 2013-3-30 113672 binnq 6 小时前
[资料] 《Algorithms for Communications Systems their Applications》 attachment  ...23456..7 sunllw 2010-8-15 6611495 binnq 6 小时前
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[资料] Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB 2013第三版matlab代码 attachment  ...23456..7 jlqsczw_2007 2014-4-3 6217197 binnq 7 小时前
[资料] Xilinx ISE Design Suite 10.x FPGA开发指南(高清15M分包下载) attachment  ...23456..11 newmsgnet 2014-6-20 10020241 binnq 7 小时前
[资料] 信号与线性系统分析+课件(第四版)吴大正 attachment  ...23456 zhengju007 2010-2-9 5316864 binnq 7 小时前
[资料] Advances in Analog and Rf Ic Design for Wireless Communication Systems attachment  ...2345 newmsgnet 2014-6-30 4410566 binnq 7 小时前
宽带数字接收机 attachment rahill 2009-3-24 71962 binnq 7 小时前
[资料] 《Matrix.Computations.for.Signal. Processing》 attachment  ...23456..10 月下海棠 2010-1-11 9116317 waveguides 7 小时前
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[资料] Wireless Receiver Design for Digital Communications 2012 attach_img  ...23456..9 hi_china59 2013-5-6 8119225 binnq 7 小时前
[其它] Multirate Signal Processing for Communication Systems (full text ENG) attachment  ...23456..12 takaryan 2012-8-16 11028395 binnq 7 小时前
[资料] RF Architecture and DSP Aspects of Digital Wireless Transceivers attachment  ...23456 angelaboy 2013-8-6 509871 binnq 7 小时前
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怎么作128QAM解调算法?包括均衡、时钟恢复、载波恢复! attachment  ...23456..7 jasonnpu 2004-4-22 6117532 binnq 8 小时前
[资料] LTE好书 3GPP长期演进(LTE)技术原理与系统设计 pdf 版本 attachment  ...23456 mydmdm 2010-8-24 5111696 binnq 8 小时前
[资料] [Cambridge 2015 新书]Sampling Theory Beyond Bandlimited Systems(含MATLAB代码) attach_img  ...23456..8 raowy2009 2015-12-3 7216496 binnq 8 小时前
[资料] Sparse SamplingTheory, Algorithms and Applications attachment  ...234 wildy 2012-1-6 377762 binnq 8 小时前
[资料] 【eBook 2015 新书】Principles of Communications: 7th Edition - [阅读权限 1]attach_img  ...23456..7 saysayliam 2016-8-16 6016758 binnq 8 小时前
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