Nathan Marcuvitz was born on December 29,
1913, in New York, N, Y. In 1935 he received the
Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, where he remained
as a graduate fellow until 1936. At this
time, he joined the RCA Laboratories as a student
engineer and subsequently did advanced development
work on electron tubes, iconoscopes, and
orthicons for television applications. He returned
to the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn in 1940,
where he received the Master’s degree in 1941.
He joined the Radiation Laboratory, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, in December, 1941,
where he worked on microwaves until 1946.
Returning to the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
as an assistant professor in the Department of
Electrical Engineering, he completed the requirements
for the doctorate in electrophysics in 1947.
He was made associate professor in 1949, professor
in 1952, and since 19.57 has been the director of the
Microwave Research Institute.
He edited the “ Waveguide Hand book,” Volume
10 of the M. 1.T. Radiation Laboratory Series, published
in 1951 by McGraw-Hill Book Company,
Dr. Marcuvitz is a Fellow of the IRE, a member
of the American Physical Society, Tau Beta Pi,
Eta Kappa Nu, and Sigma Xi, |