- TSMC Process Ddesign Kit (PDK) Install Utility V1.0a -
This perl script is used to install TSMC PDKs from the directory that
contains the original distribution source files (a super-set of PDKs) to a
specified destination directory according to the user specified options.
*Avaliable types of MIM cap are:
1 - 1.0fF
2 - 2.0fF
Please enter your choice: (1,2...)
*Avaliable choices are:
1 - 1P6M_4X1U(20K UTM)
2 - 1P5M_3X1U(20K UTM)
3 - 1P4M_2X1U(20K UTM)
4 - 1P6M_4X1U(40K UTM)
5 - 1P5M_3X1U(40K UTM)
6 - 1P4M_2X1U(40K UTM)
Please enter your choice: (1,2...)
Please enter your Installation Directory Name(Not Directory path):
Please confirm with your selection :
*** Select mimcap : 2.0fF
*** Select package : 1P6M_4X1U(40K UTM)
*** Install to directory : /home/****/Cadence/PDK/tsmc18
Are these correct (y|n) ?
====== Unpacking tar files ======
>>> Unpacking tsmc18_lib.tar.gz ......gzip: /home/****/PDK/Cadence.gz: No such file or directory
gzip: OA/t018cmsp018k3_1_0a/tsmc18_lib.tar.gz: No such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
Untar package fail - tsmc18_lib.tar.gz !!!