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发表于 2024-7-19 10:14:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

打开文件 /a9soc/a9soc/verify/env/filelists/vlists/chip.vlist

-v /project/foundry/TSMC/28HPCP/IO/20190113/tphn28hpcpgv18od33_rgm2_c161122_170a/tphn28hpcpgv18od33_rgm2_c161122.v



如果不方便,也可以提供仿真缺少的几个IOpad simulation model。


ommand: vcs -full64 -notice -lca -kdb -ntb_opts uvm -debug_acc+all+dmptf -debug_region+cell+encrypt \
+vcs+lic+wait -vera +v2k -sverilog +notimingcheck +fsdb -debug_access+r -DTYPICAL_SDF \
-P /eda/snps/verdi/T-2022.06-SP2/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX64/ /eda/snps/verdi/T-2022.06-SP2/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX64/pli.a \
+define+x2Gb+sg125+x8 +define+SVT_UVM_TECHNOLOGY +define+UVM_PACKER_MAX_BYTES=8000 \
-f  ./a9soc/a9soc/verify/env/filelists/vlists/chip.vlist -f ./a9soc/a9soc/verify/env/filelists/tblists/tb_rtl.lst \
-l vcs_cmp.log -o simv


"PDUW12DGZ_H_G u_PAD_PB0( .C (FROMPAD_PB0_i),  .PAD (PB0),  .I (TOPAD_PB0_o),  .OEN (TOPAD_PB0_oen),  .REN (gpiob_pur[0]));"
  Module definition of above instance is not found in the design.

 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-19 13:55:42 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-19 19:03:42 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Newstyle 于 2024-7-20 11:45 编辑

*Error* view PDXOEDG_H_G is not defined for instance PAD_XTAL_XI
"/disk2/gitARM/a9soc/a9soc/design/top/src/gen/iopad_fpga.v", 5996:
Total        320 error(s),   97 warning(s)
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-21 18:41:34 | 显示全部楼层
armcc -W  -I /eda/arm/rvds41/RVCT/Data/4.1/713/include/unix/ -g --debug -c -O0 --cpu Cortex-A9.no_neon.no_vfp -I. -c -o public.o public.c
"public.c", line 65: Warning: A1608W: MOV pc,<rn> instruction used, but BX <rn> is preferred
   65 00000020  MOV pc,lr
0 Errors, 1 Warning
ARM Linker: Execution interrupted due to an illegal storage access.
make: *** [public.o] 错误 1
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-21 18:44:05 | 显示全部楼层
这个错误目前没查到原因。需要请教各位大神。这个是realview4.1编译的结果。如果更新为ads2024.0则 有ASM编译问题。不知道各位有什么指教的地方。
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-22 19:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-23 11:26:51 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2024-7-24 13:51:35 | 显示全部楼层
ronizer_dfi_alert_n.u_DWC_ddrphy_bcm21 module is using the <Double Register Synchronizer (1)> Clock Domain Crossing Method ***
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
0.0 ps DmacLiteMaster1 : HSize is not correct
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
0.0 ps DmacLiteMaster1 : HSize is not correct
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
0.0 ps DmacLiteMaster1 : HSize is not correct
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
0.0 ps DmacLiteMaster1 : HSize is not correct
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
DmacLiteMaster2 : Invalid HSIZE for the DMA access
Start Recording Waveform in FSDB format with cli +fsdb! If not OK, open vlog_tb_utils.v +65!
Simulation time 010us
Simulation time 020us
Simulation time 030us
Simulation time 040us
Simulation time 050us
Simulation time 060us
Simulation time 070us
Simulation time 080us
Simulation time 090us
Simulation time 100us
Simulation time 110us
Simulation time 120us
Simulation time 130us
Simulation time 140us
Simulation time 150us
Simulation time 160us
Simulation time 170us
Simulation time 180us
Simulation time 190us
Simulation time 200us
Simulation time 210us
Simulation time 220us
Simulation time 230us
Simulation time 240us
Simulation time 250us
Simulation time 260us
ir_data is 1110
Simulation time 270us
jtag ID: xxxxxxxx
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 280us
Simulation time 290us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 300us
DP CTRL/STUTAS write: Xxxxxxxxx
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 310us
AP banksel write: Xxxxxxxxx
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 320us
read AP IDR: Xxxxxxxxx
Simulation time 330us
IDR is 00000000Xxxxxxxx
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 340us
Simulation time 350us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 360us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 370us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 380us
Simulation time 390us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 400us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 410us
Simulation time 420us
Simulation time 430us
Simulation time 440us
Simulation time 450us
Simulation time 460us
Simulation time 470us
Simulation time 480us
Simulation time 490us
Simulation time 500us
Simulation time 510us
Simulation time 520us
[jtag GPIO reg]
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 530us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 540us
Simulation time 550us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 560us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 570us
Simulation time 580us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 590us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 600us
Simulation time 610us
send data is 000000aa
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 620us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 630us
Simulation time 640us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 650us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 660us
Simulation time 670us
ir_data is 1010
Simulation time 680us
ir_data is 1011
Simulation time 690us
Simulation time 700us
Simulation time 710us
get data is xxxxxxxx
ERROR, address 00b70400 access failed, write: 000000aa, read: xxxxxxxx!!!
Simulation complete via $finish(1) at time 710201 NS + 0
./verify/env/fullchip/         $finish;
xcelium> exit
发表于 2024-7-25 23:53:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-8-6 21:51:02 | 显示全部楼层
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