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Init: read install configuration file: /home/eda/synopsys/hspice/k-2015.06/hspice/meta.cfg
**warning** (/home/user/lib/UMK55/UMK55FDK/Models/Hspice/eflash55n_rf_vaeb.lib:6689) Parameter name is not defined in .param. Please enter parameter variable with their respective value/expression.
**warning** runlvl smaller than 5, reset to 5 when accurate turned on
**warning** (RO_3_R_1.sp:31) Global net name, "gnd", in subckt pin list. The pin will be connected to the local net. Recommend to not use global net names in subckt pin lists.
**error** (RO_3_R_1.sp:33) Definition of model/subckt "p_12_lprvt" is not found for the element "mpm0". Please specify a defined model/subckt name.
**error** (RO_3_R_1.sp:34) Definition of model/subckt "n_12_lprvt" is not found for the element "mnm0". Please specify a defined model/subckt name.
**error** (RO_3_R_1.sp:62) Definition of model/subckt "n_12_lprvt" is not found for the element "x1.xmnm0". Please specify a defined model/subckt name.
**warning** runlvl smaller than 5, reset to 5 when accurate turned on
***** job aborted