各位大侠,小弟用的是virtuoso IC616-64b,之前用smic180nm工艺跑corner没啥问题,然后准备用tsmc180rf跑corner时,发现每次在add model files时候,点完import from tests再选ok的时候virtuoso都会闪退,然后报错如下,
A panic file has been created for cellview 'test_circuit/test_rail_to_rail_single_OPA/schematic' at:
To open the cellview with the recovered data:
cellview = dbOpenPanicCellView("test_circuit" "test_rail_to_rail_single_OPA" "schematic")
Panic files have been created for cellviews that were opened in edit mode.
For details on these panic files, see
/tools/EDA/ic616090/tools/bin/32bit/cdsCrashReport: error while loading shared libraries: libelf.so.1: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64