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XCELIUM20.09 不支持spectre_fx

发表于 2022-9-9 16:37:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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数模混仿时,想用xrun + scpectre_fx
    amsspice: Error: unrecognised option(s) scpectre_fx

发表于 2022-9-9 17:03:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-9 17:08:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lovepuyu 于 2022-9-9 18:47 编辑

cotonier 发表于 2022-9-9 17:03

virtuoso 618.isr24
spectre 21.1.isr5
xcelium 20.09.009
发表于 2022-9-9 18:59:28 | 显示全部楼层

lovepuyu 发表于 2022-9-9 17:08
virtuoso 618.isr24
spectre 21.1.isr5
xcelium 20.09.009


Since you are currently interested in FX, just add these lines to your lic file:
FEATURE **spectre_FX_sc **cdslmd 21.1 permanent uncounted HOSTID=ANY SIGN2
FEATURE **Spectre_FX_sc_kernel **cdslmd 21.1 permanent uncounted HOSTID=ANY SIGN2
FEATURE **Spectre_FX_cpu_accelerator **cdslmd 21.1 permanent uncounted HOSTID=ANY SIGN2
(1) When you added "Spectre_X_MMSIM_Lk" in your lic file you are "met the prerequisites" for run Spectre X solver, because you already have base MMSIM-token feature that named "Virtuoso_Multi_mode_Simulation".
All "_MMSIM_Lk" features this is a special "lock" license. (All "_Lk" means "lock", not only MMSIM).
When you are using Spectre X via MMSIM-token (e.g. if your lic file didn't contain "PRODUCT" features), Spectre checked out base feature Virtuoso_Multi_mode_Simulation and an equivalent quantity of "lock" licenses (in that case - Spectre_X_MMSIM_Lk). You cannot use only "lock" license, they checked out in conjuction with base MMSIM-token.
(2) Since you have figured out this problem, I will not comment on it.
Just as useful information:
This is not exactly the right way to use MMSIM-tokens. Yes, unlimited licenses are good.
But if you imagine a situation where they are limited, its real headache. If you run a large number of simulations via MMSIM-token using the Spectre, APS, XPS, X, they all eat up your base MMSIM-tokens, then you can get a problem when for new simulations you simply do not have free licenses. That is why, when starting the simulation, Spectre checks the availability of licenses for "PRODUCT" first, and then for "MMSIM-tokens".
For Spectre X the normal "PRODUCT" features is "**spectre_X_sc **+ Spectre_X_cpu_accelerator" in which (the first give to you a single-core base license and the second give to you multi-core/multithread license /1 lic for 4 core, 2-16, 3-64, 4-128.. up to 512 core/).
About FX features, for now they didn't provide "Spectre_FX_MMSIM_Lk" because this product very fresh. I expect this feature to appear in product 90007, due out in Q3 2022, along with the 22.10 major release.
(3) To use FX in AMS, you need to follow these steps:
a) First of all check if you have this feature in your lic file:
Add this feature if you haven't it.
b) After you create config, click button ADE Explorer in Hierarchy Editor. In ADE Explorer goto "Setup/High Performance Simulation", choose "Spectre" and "Do not override".
c) Then goto "Simulation/Options/AMS Simulator" click on button Additional Arguments, then in new window check "Enable", and type in "Additional Arguments" field:
-spectre_args "+fx"
d) Then goto "Simulation/Netlist and Run Options" and check "Enable AMSD flexible release matrix", then check "Change Spectre path" and select the full path that ends on SPECTRE211/bin, for example in my way /home/$USER/cds/SPECTRE211/bin
Save all if that needed, in the main window of ADE Explorer, do not forget to specify all parameters that you needed and start simulation.
FEATURE Xcelium_Limited_Single_Core cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE XceliumLimitedSingleCoreLegacy cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE Xcelium_Single_Core cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE Xcelium_Single_Core_Legacy cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE Xcelium_Safety cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE Xcelium_Multi_Core cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"
FEATURE Xcelium_For_Partners cdslmd 2019.03 permanent \
        Uncounted 2DB43D2C013C7E7AC292 VENDOR_STRING=Team_EFA_2006 \
        HOSTID=ANY ck=2 SIGN2="1E66 A6CE BB89 3326 385D BA50 3D1E 2161 \
        5ADE 9608 D440 08E6 D9E3 A29E 92A2 0C46 37F9 3B7C E9B5 BBEE \
        592D A9AC 2E63 89F0 1E18 37E7 EB0A D14D D593 504A"

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-9 21:17:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lovepuyu 于 2022-9-9 21:21 编辑

trumen 发表于 2022-9-9 18:59

我单独使用spectre fx 是可以的,就是混仿时不行
 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-9 21:24:48 | 显示全部楼层

trumen 发表于 2022-9-9 18:59

发表于 2022-9-10 08:39:29 | 显示全部楼层

lovepuyu 发表于 2022-9-9 21:17
我单独使用spectre fx 是可以的,就是混仿时不行

发表于 2022-9-10 09:42:35 | 显示全部楼层
你用ade explore或者ade assembler设置一下high perfomance那里的FX选项,如果有的话。
adel的话比较麻烦,检查一下你是不是设置对了,ams option那里选项加的spectre_args格式对不对。(-spectre_args "xxxx")
另外都要设置使用外部spectre来仿真,在'netlist and run options'勾选‘enable AMSD flexible release matrix'
发表于 2022-9-12 22:24:24 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-13 09:54:33 | 显示全部楼层

trumen 发表于 2022-9-9 18:59

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