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# vc_static_shell
VC Static UI Shell (vcst)
Version: O-2018.09-SP2-2 for linux64 -- May 08, 2019
Copyright (c) 2010-2019 by Synopsys, Inc.
This software and the associated documentation are confidential and
proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. Your use or disclosure of this software
is subject to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
between you, or your company, and Synopsys, Inc.
Connect Error: Connection refused
Connect Error: Connection refused
Connect Error: Connection refused
Connect Error: Connection refused
[Error] (State:4) unable to connect ctrl/data sockets to VC Static Server. Exiting VC Static...
[Info] Ctrl channel connected: false
[Info] MSDU channel connected: false
[Info] SRC channel connected: false
[Info] SQL channel connected: false
license日志输出:11:09:33 (snpslmd) OUT: "VC-STATIC-COMPILE" root@server [-7670825745167872893_1]
11:10:05 (snpslmd) IN: "VC-STATIC-COMPILE" root@server [-7670825745167872893_1]