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- %Code density/histofgram test to calculate INL and DNL require a large number of samples.
- %Step 1: Apply a close to full-scale sine wave (but not clipping) and find the mid-code for the applied signal.
- %Step 2: Apply the same sine wave input, but slightly larger amplitude to clip the ADC slightly.
- %Run the following program, enter the number of samples, resolution and mid-code from Step 1and continue.
- %Copyright Au/Hofner, Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA94086
- %This program is believed to be accurate and reliable. This program may get altered without prior notification.
- %用于计算INL和DNL的%代码密度/直方图测试需要大量样本。
- %步骤1:施加接近满量程的正弦波(但不削波),并找到所施加信号的中间码。
- %步骤2:施加相同的正弦波输入,但幅度稍大些,以对ADC进行稍稍削波。
- %运行以下程序,输入步骤1中的样本数量,分辨率和中间代码,然后继续。版权所有Au / Hofner,Maxim Integrated Products,120 San Gabriel Drive,Sunnyvale,CA94086
- %该程序被认为是准确和可靠的。 该程序可能会更改,恕不另行通知。
- filename=csvread('adc_data.csv');
- adc_data=round(filename);
- numpt=32768;
- numbit=12;
- mid_code=2048;
- d11=1;d10=2;d9=3;d8=4;d7=5;d6=6;d5=7;d4=8;d3=9;d2=10;d1=11;d0=12;
- for i=1:numpt
- dout(i)=adc_data(i,d11)*2048+adc_data(i,d10)*1024+adc_data(i,d9)*512 ...
- +adc_data(i,d8)*256+adc_data(i,d7)*128+adc_data(i,d6)*64 ...
- +adc_data(i,d5)*32+adc_data(i,d4)*16+adc_data(i,d3)*8 ...
- +adc_data(i,d2)*4+adc_data(i,d1)*2+adc_data(i,d0)*1;%通过转换器出来的结果,恢复原来的波形
- doute(i)=dout(i)-0.5;%将正弦波的共模电平偏置为0
- %doute(i)=dout(i)-mean(dout(i));
- end
- [a,b]=size(dout);
- if(a>b)
- dout=dout(:,1)';
- else
- dout=dout(1,:);
- end
- mid_file=[dout ; dout];
- mid_file=double(mid_file);
- v1=mid_file';
- code=v1(:,2);
- code_count=zeros(1,2^numbit);
- for i=1:2^numbit
- count=0;%附值
- for j=1:numpt
- if code(j)==i-1
- count=count+1;
- else count=count;
- end
- end
- code_count(i)=count;
- end
- if code_count(1) == 0 | code_count(2^numbit) == 0 | ...
- (code_count(1) < code_count(2)) | (code_count(2^numbit-1) > code_count(2^numbit))
- disp('ADC not clipping ... Increase sinewave amplitude!');
- % break;
- end
- A=max(mid_code,2^numbit-1-mid_code)+0.1;
- vin=(0:2^numbit-1)-mid_code;
- sin2ramp=1./(pi*sqrt(A^2*ones(size(vin))-vin.*vin));
- while sum(code_count(2:2^numbit-1)) < numpt*sum(sin2ramp(2:2^numbit-1))
- A=A+0.1;
- sin2ramp=1./(pi*sqrt(A^2*ones(size(vin))-vin.*vin));
- end
- disp('You Have Applied a Sine Wave of (dBFS): ');
- Amplitude=A/(2^numbit/2)
- figure;
- plot([0:2^numbit-1],code_count,[0:2^numbit-1],sin2ramp*numpt);
- ylabel('COUNTS');
- axis([0 2^numbit-1 0 max(code_count)]);
- code_countn=code_count(2:2^numbit-1)./(numpt*sin2ramp(2:2^numbit-1));
- figure;
- plot([1:2^numbit-2],code_countn);
- dnl=code_countn-1;
- inl=zeros(size(dnl));
- for j=1:size(inl')
- inl(j)=sum(dnl(1:j));
- end
- %End-Point fit INL
- %[p,S]=polyfit([1,2^numbit-2],[inl(1),inl(2^numbit-2)],1);
- %Best-straight-line fit INL
- [p,S]=polyfit([1:2^numbit-2],inl,1);
- inl=inl-p(1)*[1:2^numbit-2]-p(2);
- disp('End Points Eliminated for DNL and INL Calculations');
- figure;
- plot([1:2^numbit-2],dnl);
- grid on;
- ylabel('DNL (LSB)');
- figure;
- plot([1:2^numbit-2],inl);
- grid on;
- ylabel('INL(LSB)');
复制代码 动态参数:(主函数)
- d_in=csvread('adc_data.csv');%以字符形式打开文件
- d11=1;d10=2;d9=3;d8=4;d7=5;d6=6;d5=7;d4=8;d3=9;d2=10;d1=11;d0=12;%标示样本矩阵的列
- vref=1;
- numpt=32768;
- %adc_data=d_in;
- adc_data=round(d_in);
- for i=1:numpt
- dout(i)=adc_data(i,d11)/2+adc_data(i,d10)/4+adc_data(i,d9)/8 ...
- +adc_data(i,d8)/16+adc_data(i,d7)/32+adc_data(i,d6)/64 ...
- +adc_data(i,d5)/128+adc_data(i,d4)/254+adc_data(i,d3)/512 ...
- +adc_data(i,d2)/1024+adc_data(i,d1)/2048+adc_data(i,d0)/4096;%通过转换器出来的结果,恢复原来的波形
- doute(i)=dout(i)-0.5;%将正弦波的共模电平偏置为0
- %doute(i)=dout(i)-mean(dout(i));
- end
- [ENOB, SNDR, SFDR, SNR, THD] = prettyFFT(dout,10e7,9,0,0,0);
- % function [ENOB, SNDR, SFDR, SNR, THD] = prettyFFT(wave,f_S,maxh,no_annotation,no_plot,baseline);
- function [ENOB, SNDR, SFDR, SNR, THD] = prettyFFT(wave,f_S,maxh,no_annotation,no_plot,baseline);
- % Programmed by: Skyler Weaver, Ph.D.
- % Date: December 7, 2010
- % Version: 1.0
- %
- % This function plots a very pretty FFT plot and annotates all of the
- % relevant data. This is intended to be used by Nyquist guys and expects
- % coherently sampled data. Maybe in the future I will modify it to
- % automatically detect windowed data for Delta-Sigma or allow two input
- % tones. As for now, it is just for single sine-wave test, coherent data.
- %
- % The full function is:
- % [ENOB, SNDR, SFDR, SNR] = prettyFFT(wave,f_S,maxh,no_annotation,no_plot)
- % 'wave' can be any length but should be coherently sampled
- % (required)
- % 'f_S' is the SAMPLING rate (i.e. f_Nyquist * 2)
- % (optional, default = 1)
- % 'maxh' is the highest harmonic plotted, 0 means all harmonics
- % (optional, default = 12) NOTE: lowering this value will affect SNR
- % since SNR is calculated as SNDR with harmonics removed. Setting
- % maxh to 1 will effectivly set SNR = SNDR. (1 means only the
- % fundamental is a 'harmonic')
- % 'no_annotation' set to anything but 0 to turn off annotation
- % (optional, default = 0)
- % 'no_plot' set to anything but 0 to not create a plot
- % (optional, default = 0)
- % 'baseline' is the minimum value on the y-axis. When set to '0' the
- % y-axis is auto-scaled such that some of the noise floor is
- % displayed. It is useful to set this parameter when comparing two
- % FFT plots by keeping the scale the same.
- % (optional, default = 0)
- %
- % Here are some usage examples:
- %
- % prettyFFT(some_data)
- %
- % In it's most default state, it will take some_data, grab the last
- % 2^integer data points, FFT it, plot it in a pretty way, normalize the
- % x-axis to Nyquist-rate, tag the first 12 harmonics (if above the noise
- % floor), annotate SFDR and SNDR/SNR (if there is room on the plot), draw a
- % red line where the effective noise floor is, and returns ENOB. Use this
- % to just plot an FFT from command line and get some useful visual feedback.
- %
- % [ENOB,SNDR,SFDR,SNR]=prettyFFT(some_data)
- %
- % does the same thing, but you now have your stats in variables too.
- %
- % prettyFFT(some_data,100e6,15)
- %
- % does the same thing, but the x-axis is normalized to 100MHz sampling rate.
- % The default of up to 12 harmonics is overridden to 15. (set to 0, it will
- % tag anything significantly above the noise floor, even harmonic 1032 if
- % it is high enough)
- %
- % prettyFFT(some_data,100e6,15,1)
- %
- % same thing but annotation is turned off. For journals and stuff
- %
- % prettyFFT(some_data,100e6,15,1,1)
- %
- % the extra '1' means it doesn't plot. This is in case you have a loop and
- % you need to get SNR, but you don't want it to keep plotting.
- %
- % Feel free to edit, but keep my name at the top.
- %
- % Enjoy!
- % -Skyler
- if(nargin <= 0)
- disp('prettyFFT: What are you trying to do, exactly?')
- wave = rand(1,100);
- f_S = 1;
- maxh = 1;
- no_annotation = 0;
- no_plot = 0;
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin == 1)
- f_S = 1;
- maxh = 12;
- no_annotation = 0;
- no_plot = 0;
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin == 2)
- maxh = 12;
- no_annotation = 0;
- no_plot = 0;
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin == 3)
- no_annotation = 0;
- no_plot = 0;
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin == 4)
- no_plot = 0;
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin == 5)
- baseline = 0;
- end
- if(nargin > 6)
- disp('prettyFFT: Too many arguments, man.')
- end
- text_y_offset = 4; %height above bar for harmonic # txt (def. = 4)
- plev = 9; %dB above noise floor to be considered a harmonic (def. = 9)
- [a,b]=size(wave);
- if(a>b)
- wave=wave(:,1)';
- else
- wave=wave(1,:);
- end
- fft_ord = floor(log(length(wave))./log(2));
- wave = wave(end-2^fft_ord+1:end);
- wave=wave-mean(wave); % remove DC offset
- f2 = abs(fft(wave)); % fft
- f2 = f2(2:floor(length(f2)/2)); % remove bin 1 (DC)
- [bin bin] = max(f2);
- f2a=[f2(1:(bin-1)) f2((bin+1):end)];
- f2a=[f2(1:(bin-1)) mean(f2) f2((bin+1):end)];
- step = (bin);
- pts = 2*(length(f2)+1);
- SNDR = mag2db((f2(bin).^2/(sum(f2.^2)-f2(bin).^2)))/2; % get SNDR (f_in / sum(the rest))
- ENOB=(SNDR-1.76)/6.02; % ENOB from SNDR
- scaledby = 1./max(f2);
- dbf2=mag2db(f2.*scaledby);
- dbf2a=[dbf2(1:(bin-1)) dbf2((bin+1):end)];
- dbf2a=[dbf2(1:(bin-1)) mean(dbf2) dbf2((bin+1):end)];
- [bins bins] =max(dbf2a);
- SFDR = -dbf2a(bins);
- noise_top = mean(dbf2a)+plev;
- noise_floor=mean(dbf2a);
- noise_bottom = mean(dbf2a)-plev;
- %noise_bottom = min(dbf2a);
- harm = bin;
- t=1;
- nyqpts=(pts/2-1);
- all_harms = harm:step:(harm*nyqpts);
- all_harms = mod(all_harms,pts);
- all_harms = (pts-all_harms).*(all_harms>nyqpts) ...
- + all_harms.*(all_harms<=nyqpts);
- all_harms = all_harms.*(all_harms>0 & all_harms<pts/2) ...
- + (all_harms<=0) ...
- + (all_harms>=pts/2).*nyqpts;
- if (maxh==0 || maxh>length(all_harms))
- maxh=length(all_harms);
- end
- for k=1:maxh
- if(dbf2(all_harms(k)) > noise_top)
- harm(t) = all_harms(k);
- hnum(t) = k;
- t=t+1;
- end
- end
- numbins=2.^(fft_ord-1)-1;
- non_harm=1:numbins;
- non_harm([harm]) = [];
- SNR = mag2db((f2(bin).^2/(sum(f2(non_harm).^2))))/2; % get SNR (f_in / sum(the rest))
- %SNRpb = db(sqrt((f2(bin).^2/(sum(f2(non_harm).^2))))/numbins)-25 % get SNR (f_in / sum(the rest))
- SNRpb = -SNR-3.*(fft_ord-1);
- THD = mag2db((sum(f2.^2)-f2(bin).^2-sum(f2(non_harm).^2))/f2(bin).^2)/2;
- if(~no_plot)
- hold off
- f=f_S/nyqpts/2:f_S/nyqpts/2:f_S/2;
- h=bar(f,dbf2); %%%% bar plot choice
- % h=plot(f,dbf2,'r*'); %%%% line plot choice
- if(~baseline)
- xx=max([min([SNRpb noise_bottom])-plev -250]);
- else
- xx=baseline;
- end
- %set(get(h,"BaseLine"),"BaseValue",xx);
- set(h,'BaseValue',xx);
- set(h,'ShowBaseLine','off');
- set(h,'BarWidth',0.1);
- set(h,'LineStyle','none');
- axis([f(1)/2 f(end)+f(1)/2 xx 0]);
- if(~no_annotation)
- hold on
- plot(f(harm),dbf2(harm),'rs')
- text_y_offset = -xx/100*text_y_offset;
- if (length(harm) > 2)
- for n=2:length(harm)
- if sum(harm(1:n-1)==harm(n))
- n=n-1; break, end
- end
- if (n<length(harm))
- disp('prettyFFT: Not prime-coherent sampling!')
- end
- else
- n=length(harm);
- end
- %text_y_offset = -xx/100*text_y_offset;
- for t=2:n
- text(f(harm(t)),dbf2(harm(t))+text_y_offset,num2str(hnum(t)),'HorizontalAlignment','center');
- end
- hold off
- hh=line([f(1)/2 f(end)+f(1)/2],[-SFDR -SFDR]);
- set(hh,'LineStyle','--');
- set(hh,'Color','k');
- hh1=line([f(1)/2 f(end)+f(1)/2],[SNRpb SNRpb]);
- set(hh1,'LineStyle','-');
- set(hh1,'Color','r');
- % where to put SFDR arrow
- numbins=floor(pts/2);
- dbin=round(numbins/32);
- if(numbins>4)
- if(bin>numbins/2+dbin*2)
- if(bins<(numbins/4-dbin))|(bins>(numbins/4+dbin))
- abin=round(numbins/4);
- elseif (bins>numbins/4)
- abin=round(numbins/4)-dbin;
- else
- abin=round(numbins/4)+dbin;
- end
- else
- if(bins<(3*numbins/4-dbin))|(bins>(3*numbins/4+dbin))
- abin=round(3*numbins/4);
- elseif (bins>3*numbins/4)
- abin=round(3*numbins/4)-dbin;
- else
- abin=round(3*numbins/4)+dbin;
- end
- end
- else
- abin=12;
- end
- tempSFDR=SFDR;
- if(SFDR > -(.13*xx))
- if(SFDR>250)
- SFDR=250;
- end
- dx=f(end)/100;
- dy=-xx/30;
- x=f(abin);
- tdx=max([dx (f(2)-f(1))]);
- hh2=line([x-dx x x+dx x x x-dx x x+dx],[-dy 0 -dy 0 -SFDR dy-SFDR -SFDR dy-SFDR]);
- set(hh2,'LineStyle','-');
- set(hh2,'Color','k');
- % text(f(abin)+tdx,-SFDR/2,["SFDR =\n" num2str(tempSFDR,4) 'dB'],'HorizontalAlignment','left');
- if(SFDR > -(.25*xx))
- infostr=...%['ENOB =\newline' num2str(ENOB,4) ' bits\newline\newline' ...
- ["SNDR =\n" num2str(SNDR,4) "dB \n" ...
- "\nSNR =\n" num2str(SNR,4) 'dB'];
- else
- infostr=...%['ENOB =\newline' num2str(ENOB,4) ' bits\newline\newline' ...
- ['SNDR = ' num2str(SNDR,4) "dB \n " ...
- 'SNR =' num2str(SNR,4) 'dB'];
- end
- %if(bin<numbins/2)
- % text(f(bin)+tdx,-SFDR/2,infostr,'HorizontalAlignment','left');
- %else
- % text(f(bin)-tdx,-SFDR/2,infostr,'HorizontalAlignment','right');
- %end
- end
- ylabel('dB')
- xlabel('Frequency(Hz)')
- title('ADC spectrum analysis to obtain SFDR/SNDR/SNR')
- SFDR = tempSFDR;
- end % end if(~no_annotation)
- end % end if(~no_plot)
- hold on;
- s1=sprintf('SFDR = %4.1fdB\n',SFDR);
- s2=sprintf('THD = %4.1fdB\n',THD);
- s3=sprintf('SNR = %4.1fdB\n',SNR);
- s4=sprintf('SNDR = %4.1fdB\n',SNDR);
- s5=sprintf('ENOB = %4.2fbit\n',ENOB);
- text(25,-10,s1);
- text(25,-20,s2);
- text(25,-30,s3);
- text(25,-40,s4);
- text(25,-50,s5);
- hold off;