2020/12/22 21:46:47 WARNING The glibc version of this host does not appear to be a Cadence supported version.
2020/12/22 21:46:47 For more info, please run CheckSysConf in <cdsRoot/tools.lnx86/bin/checkSysConf <productId>
*WARNING* file /home/ynxue/CDSLOG/CDS.log.1 Malformed Lock-Stake file. Close this program, remove Lock-Stake file manually or using clsAdminTool and restart application.
*WARNING* file /home/ynxue/CDSLOG/CDS.log.2 Malformed Lock-Stake file. Close this program, remove Lock-Stake file manually or using clsAdminTool and restart application.
*WARNING* file /home/ynxue/CDSLOG/CDS.log.7 Malformed Lock-Stake file. Close this program, remove Lock-Stake file manually or using clsAdminTool and restart application.
Failed to lock log file: /home/AAA/CDSLOG/CDS.log.10