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// NTFT Ideal Model
`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
module ntft(drain, gate, source);
inout drain, gate, source;
electrical drain, gate, source;
parameter real W = 1200e-6; //*** unit: m ***//
parameter real L = 200e-6; //*** unit: m ***//
parameter real Ci = 1.15e-8; //*** unit: F/cm2 ***//
parameter real MOBILITY = 1; //*** unit: cm2/(V*s) ***//
parameter real Vth = 0.4; //*** unit: V ***//
parameter real I0 = 1e-11;
parameter real ALPHA = 1;
parameter real kT = 0.026; //*** unit: eV ***//
parameter integer zero = 0;
real vd, vg, vs;
real vgs, vds, vgd;
real vgt;
real ids;
analog begin
vd = V(drain);
vs = V(source);
vg = V(gate);
if (vd >= vs) begin
vgs = V(gate, source);
vds = V(drain, source);
end else begin
vgs = V(gate, drain);
vds = V(source, drain);
vgt = vgs - Vth;
if (vgt > 0) begin
if (vds <= 0.1*vgt) begin
ids = W / L * MOBILITY * Ci * vgt * vds;
end else if (0.1*vgt < vds < vgt) begin
ids = W / L * MOBILITY * Ci * (vgt - vds/2) * vds;
end else begin
ids = W / L * MOBILITY * Ci * pow(vgt, 2) / 2;
end else begin
ids = I0 * exp(vgt / (ALPHA * kT));
I(gate, drain) <+ zero;
I(gate, source) <+ zero;
if (vd >= vs) begin
I(drain, source) <+ ids;
end else begin
I(drain, source) <+ -ids;
// inverter.sp
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
.hdl ../NTFT.va
.hdl ../PTFT.va
.options list post=2 node
.options Reltol=0.1
** control
**.global vcc
.param vcc = 4
.param lm=24e-9 wn=1e-6 wp=1e-6
** netlist
vdd vsup 0 dc=vcc
vin in 0 dc=0.0v
** R1 vsup out 1e8
X1 out in 0 ntft l=lm w=wn
X2 out in vsup ptft l=lm w=wp
** analysis
.dc vin 0.0 vcc 0.01
.print V(out)
****** HSPICE -- O-2018.09-SP2 win64 (Feb 25 2019) ******
Copyright (c) 1986 - 2020 by Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This software and the associated documentation are proprietary
to Synopsys, Inc. This software may only be used in accordance
with the terms and conditions of a written license agreement with
Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, or distribution of
this software is strictly prohibited.
Input File: Inverter.sp
Command line options: C:\synopsys\Hspice_O-2018.09-SP2\WIN64\hspice.com -i Inverter.sp -o C:\Users\kqt\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_znxqk8lbdt4d12\FileStorage\File\2020-10\Inverter.lis
Start time: Wed Oct 21 20:01:01 2020
lic: FLEXlm: SDK_11.7.3
lic: USER: kqt HOSTNAME: keqiutan
lic: HOSTID: "448a5b7acf27" PID: 7224
lic: Using FLEXlm license file:
lic: 27000@keqiutan
lic: Checkout 1 hspice
lic: License/Maintenance for hspice will expire on 30-dec-2020/2019.2019
lic: 1(in_use)/99(total) FLOATING license(s) on SERVER 27000@keqiutan
**info** *pvaI* Module (ntft): 3 unexpanded port, 0 init, 16 behav, 4 contrib, 26/12 expr(s)
**info** *pvaI* No DIS, 0/0 afCount, 0 MT, sys, IO(0/0/0/0)
**info** *pvaI* 0 gmdIsThreadSafe
**info** *pvaI* 0 const-G and 0 const-C, Has switchBranch, 22 bypassOpt, 0 bus2scalar, 0 vwb
**info** *pvaI* set_va_exp = 80 [80.0, 704.0] set by default
**warning** *pvaW* variable 'vg' initialized but not used in RHS, deleted (NTFT.va:30)
**warning** *pvaW* To relax this rule, use 'setenv PVA_KEEP_VARS 1' to keep variables for probing.
**warning** *pvaW* variable 'vgd' declared but not used in RHS, deleted (NTFT.va:22)
**info** *pvaI* generated 0 flow node(s) during compilation.
**info** *pvaI* Module (ptft): 3 unexpanded port, 0 init, 16 behav, 4 contrib, 26/12 expr(s)
**info** *pvaI* No DIS, 0/0 afCount, 0 MT, sys, IO(0/0/0/0)
**info** *pvaI* 0 gmdIsThreadSafe
**info** *pvaI* 0 const-G and 0 const-C, Has switchBranch, 22 bypassOpt, 0 bus2scalar, 0 vwb
**info** *pvaI* set_va_exp = 80 [80.0, 704.0] set by default
**warning** *pvaW* variable 'vg' initialized but not used in RHS, deleted (PTFT.va:30)
**warning** *pvaW* variable 'vgd' declared but not used in RHS, deleted (PTFT.va:22)
**info** *pvaI* generated 0 flow node(s) during compilation.
**info** *pvaI* #### Total 454 line-size(s), 52/24 expr(s), 8 contr(s), 0 init(s), 32 behav(s), 6 port(s)
scientific notation:
a=10**-18 f=10**-15 p=10**-12 n=10**-9 u=10**-6
m=10**-3 k=10**3 x=10**6 g=10**9
Loading pVA library C:\Users\kqt\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_znxqk8lbdt4d12\FileStorage\File\2020-10\Inverter.pvadir\pvaRTL_win64.dll...
1****** HSPICE -- O-2018.09-SP2 win64 (Feb 25 2019) ******
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** circuit name directory
circuit number to circuit name directory
number circuitname definition multiplier
0 main circuit
1 x1. ntft(va) 1.00
2 x2. ptft(va) 1.00
circuit parameter definitions
parameter = value
0:vcc = 4.0000
0:lm = 24.0000n
0:wn = 1.0000u
0:wp = 1.0000u
1:l = 24.0000n
1:w = 1.0000u
2:l = 24.0000n
2:w = 1.0000u
constants - tnom kt vt gapsi ni
298.15000 4.1163e-21 25.69184m 1.11562 1.2565e+16
**info** *pvaI* Creating VA module (ptft) for instance X2 with gmd reduction
**info** *pvaI* termCount=3 diwSize=9 probeSize=21 Qsize=0 Isize=3
End of GMD creation on Wed Oct 21 20:01:06 2020
**info** *pvaI* Creating VA module (ntft) for instance X1 with gmd reduction
**info** *pvaI* termCount=3 diwSize=9 probeSize=21 Qsize=0 Isize=3
End of GMD creation on Wed Oct 21 20:01:06 2020
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** circuit element summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 ******
**** independent sources
name node1 node2 dc volt ac mag ac phase type
vdd vsup 0 4.0000 0. 0. dc
vin in 0 0. 0. 0. dc
**** subcircuit calls
name subcircuit external nodes
0:x1 ntft(va) 0 ut 0:in 0:0
0:x2 ptft(va) 0 ut 0:in 0:vsup
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** element node table
0 vdd vin x1
in vin x1 x2
out x1 x2
vsup vdd x2
Element variations(Local): element parameter
****** option summary
runlvl = 3 bypass = 2.0000
Opening plot unit= 79
file=C:\Users\kqt\Documents\WeChat Files\wxid_znxqk8lbdt4d12\FileStorage\File\2020-10\Inverter.pa0
End of pVA setup on Wed Oct 21 20:01:06 2020
Begin of pVA simulation on Wed Oct 21 20:01:06 2020
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 1.3900
resimulating with dc convergence controls
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.3900
pseudo tran is tried
*** pseudo tran failed ***
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.3900
gshunt ramping is tried
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.3900
gmath ramping is tried
**info** op convergence successful with gmath ramping method
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 1.4000
resimulating with dc convergence controls
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4000
pseudo tran is tried
*** pseudo tran failed ***
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4000
gshunt ramping is tried
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4000
gmath ramping is tried
**info** op convergence successful with gmath ramping method
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 1.4100
resimulating with dc convergence controls
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4100
pseudo tran is tried
*** pseudo tran failed ***
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4100
gshunt ramping is tried
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.4100
gmath ramping is tried
**info** op convergence successful with gmath ramping method
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 1.5000
resimulating with dc convergence controls
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5000
pseudo tran is tried
*** pseudo tran failed ***
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5000
gshunt ramping is tried
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5000
gmath ramping is tried
**info** op convergence successful with gmath ramping method
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 1.5100
resimulating with dc convergence controls
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5100
pseudo tran is tried
*** pseudo tran failed ***
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5100
gshunt ramping is tried
convergence problem in dc sweep curve at 1.5100
gmath ramping is tried
**info** op convergence successful with gmath ramping method
convergence problems in dc sweep curves at 2.0100
resimulating with dc convergence controls
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** dc transfer curves tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 ******
volt voltage
0. 4.0000
10.00000m 4.0000
20.00000m 4.0000
30.00000m 4.0000
40.00000m 4.0000
50.00000m 4.0000
60.00000m 4.0000
70.00000m 4.0000
80.00000m 4.0000
90.00000m 4.0000
100.00000m 4.0000
110.00000m 4.0000
120.00000m 4.0000
130.00000m 4.0000
140.00000m 4.0000
150.00000m 4.0000
160.00000m 4.0000
170.00000m 4.0000
180.00000m 4.0000
190.00000m 4.0000
200.00000m 4.0000
210.00000m 4.0000
220.00000m 4.0000
230.00000m 4.0000
240.00000m 4.0000
250.00000m 4.0000
260.00000m 4.0000
270.00000m 4.0000
280.00000m 4.0000
290.00000m 4.0000
300.00000m 4.0000
310.00000m 4.0000
320.00000m 4.0000
330.00000m 4.0000
340.00000m 4.0000
350.00000m 4.0000
360.00000m 4.0000
370.00000m 4.0000
380.00000m 4.0000
390.00000m 4.0000
400.00000m 4.0000
410.00000m 4.0000
420.00000m 3.9999
430.00000m 3.9999
440.00000m 3.9997
450.00000m 3.9996
460.00000m 3.9994
470.00000m 3.9992
480.00000m 3.9990
490.00000m 3.9987
500.00000m 3.9984
510.00000m 3.9980
520.00000m 3.9977
530.00000m 3.9972
540.00000m 3.9968
550.00000m 3.9963
560.00000m 3.9958
570.00000m 3.9952
580.00000m 3.9946
590.00000m 3.9940
600.00000m 3.9933
610.00000m 3.9926
620.00000m 3.9919
630.00000m 3.9911
640.00000m 3.9903
650.00000m 3.9894
660.00000m 3.9885
670.00000m 3.9876
680.00000m 3.9866
690.00000m 3.9855
700.00000m 3.9845
710.00000m 3.9834
720.00000m 3.9822
730.00000m 3.9810
740.00000m 3.9798
750.00000m 3.9785
760.00000m 3.9772
770.00000m 3.9758
780.00000m 3.9744
790.00000m 3.9729
800.00000m 3.9714
810.00000m 3.9699
820.00000m 3.9683
830.00000m 3.9666
840.00000m 3.9649
850.00000m 3.9632
860.00000m 3.9614
870.00000m 3.9595
880.00000m 3.9576
890.00000m 3.9557
900.00000m 3.9537
910.00000m 3.9517
920.00000m 3.9496
930.00000m 3.9474
940.00000m 3.9452
950.00000m 3.9429
960.00000m 3.9406
970.00000m 3.9382
980.00000m 3.9358
990.00000m 3.9333
1.00000 3.9308
1.01000 3.9282
1.02000 3.9255
1.03000 3.9228
1.04000 3.9200
1.05000 3.9172
1.06000 3.9143
1.07000 3.9113
1.08000 3.9083
1.09000 3.9052
1.10000 3.9020
1.11000 3.8988
1.12000 3.8955
1.13000 3.8921
1.14000 3.8887
1.15000 3.8852
1.16000 3.8816
1.17000 3.8780
1.18000 3.8743
1.19000 3.8705
1.20000 3.8667
1.21000 3.8627
1.22000 3.8587
1.23000 3.8547
1.24000 3.8505
1.25000 3.8463
1.26000 3.8420
1.27000 3.8376
1.28000 3.8331
1.29000 3.8285
1.30000 3.8239
1.31000 3.8192
1.32000 3.8144
1.33000 3.8095
1.34000 3.8045
1.35000 3.7994
1.36000 3.7943
1.37000 3.7890
1.38000 3.7837
1.39000 3.7783
1.40000 3.8348
1.41000 4.7919y
1.42000 4.7919y
1.43000 4.7919y
1.44000 4.7919y
1.45000 4.7919y
1.46000 4.7919y
1.47000 4.7919y
1.48000 4.7919y
1.49000 4.7919y
1.50000 6.6611y
1.51000 17.7912y
1.52000 17.7912y
1.53000 17.7912y
1.54000 17.7912y
1.55000 17.7912y
1.56000 17.7912y
1.57000 17.7912y
1.58000 17.7912y
1.59000 17.7912y
1.60000 17.7912y
1.61000 17.7912y
1.62000 17.7912y
1.63000 17.7912y
1.64000 17.7912y
1.65000 17.7912y
1.66000 17.7912y
1.67000 17.7912y
1.68000 17.7912y
1.69000 17.7912y
1.70000 17.7912y
1.71000 17.7912y
1.72000 17.7912y
1.73000 17.7912y
1.74000 17.7912y
1.75000 17.7912y
1.76000 17.7912y
1.77000 17.7912y
1.78000 17.7912y
1.79000 17.7912y
1.80000 17.7912y
1.81000 17.7912y
1.82000 17.7912y
1.83000 17.7912y
1.84000 17.7912y
1.85000 17.7912y
1.86000 17.7912y
1.87000 17.7912y
1.88000 17.7912y
1.89000 17.7912y
1.90000 17.7912y
1.91000 18.7988y
1.92000 18.7718y
1.93000 18.7718y
1.94000 18.7718y
1.95000 18.7718y
1.96000 18.7718y
1.97000 18.7718y
1.98000 18.7718y
1.99000 18.7718y
2.00000 18.7718y
2.01000 1.3538
2.02000 1.2617
2.03000 1.1917
2.04000 1.1340
2.05000 1.0843
2.06000 1.0403
2.07000 1.0007
2.08000 964.4565m
2.09000 931.0522m
2.10000 899.9992m
2.11000 870.9524m
2.12000 843.6435m
2.13000 817.8594m
2.14000 793.4270m
2.15000 770.2039m
2.16000 748.0710m
2.17000 726.9275m
2.18000 706.6873m
2.19000 687.2760m
2.20000 668.6291m
2.21000 650.6898m
2.22000 633.4082m
2.23000 616.7399m
2.24000 600.6453m
2.25000 585.0889m
2.26000 570.0387m
2.27000 555.4658m
2.28000 541.3439m
2.29000 527.6491m
2.30000 514.3593m
2.31000 501.4546m
2.32000 488.9165m
2.33000 476.7278m
2.34000 464.8729m
2.35000 453.3370m
2.36000 442.1067m
2.37000 431.1693m
2.38000 420.5129m
2.39000 410.1266m
2.40000 400.0000m
2.41000 390.1235m
2.42000 380.4879m
2.43000 371.0847m
2.44000 361.9058m
2.45000 352.9437m
2.46000 344.1911m
2.47000 335.6413m
2.48000 327.2878m
2.49000 319.1245m
2.50000 311.1456m
2.51000 303.3456m
2.52000 295.7193m
2.53000 288.2617m
2.54000 280.9680m
2.55000 273.8337m
2.56000 266.8545m
2.57000 260.0262m
2.58000 253.3449m
2.59000 246.8068m
2.60000 240.4082m
2.61000 234.1458m
2.62000 228.0161m
2.63000 210.9641m
2.64000 205.7143m
2.65000 200.5556m
2.66000 195.4867m
2.67000 190.5066m
2.68000 185.6140m
2.69000 180.8079m
2.70000 176.0870m
2.71000 171.4502m
2.72000 166.8966m
2.73000 162.4249m
2.74000 158.0342m
2.75000 153.7234m
2.76000 149.4915m
2.77000 145.3376m
2.78000 141.2605m
2.79000 137.2594m
2.80000 133.3333m
2.81000 129.4813m
2.82000 125.7025m
2.83000 121.9959m
2.84000 118.3607m
2.85000 114.7959m
2.86000 111.3008m
2.87000 107.8745m
2.88000 104.5161m
2.89000 101.2249m
2.90000 98.0000m
2.91000 94.8406m
2.92000 91.7460m
2.93000 88.7154m
2.94000 85.7480m
2.95000 82.8431m
2.96000 80.0000m
2.97000 77.2179m
2.98000 74.4961m
2.99000 71.8340m
3.00000 69.2308m
3.01000 66.6858m
3.02000 64.1985m
3.03000 61.7681m
3.04000 59.3939m
3.05000 57.0755m
3.06000 54.8120m
3.07000 52.6030m
3.08000 50.4478m
3.09000 48.3457m
3.10000 46.2963m
3.11000 44.2989m
3.12000 42.3529m
3.13000 40.4579m
3.14000 38.6131m
3.15000 36.8182m
3.16000 35.0725m
3.17000 33.3755m
3.18000 31.7266m
3.19000 30.1254m
3.20000 28.5714m
3.21000 27.0641m
3.22000 25.6028m
3.23000 24.1873m
3.24000 22.8169m
3.25000 21.4912m
3.26000 20.2098m
3.27000 18.9721m
3.28000 17.7778m
3.29000 16.6263m
3.30000 15.5172m
3.31000 14.4502m
3.32000 13.4247m
3.33000 12.4403m
3.34000 11.4966m
3.35000 10.5932m
3.36000 9.7297m
3.37000 8.9057m
3.38000 8.1208m
3.39000 7.3746m
3.40000 6.6667m
3.41000 5.9967m
3.42000 5.3642m
3.43000 4.7690m
3.44000 4.2105m
3.45000 3.6885m
3.46000 3.2026m
3.47000 2.7524m
3.48000 2.3377m
3.49000 1.9579m
3.50000 1.6129m
3.51000 1.3023m
3.52000 1.0256m
3.53000 782.7476u
3.54000 573.2484u
3.55000 396.8254u
3.56000 253.1646u
3.57000 141.9558u
3.58000 62.8931u
3.59000 15.6740u
3.60000 6.5216u
3.61000 4.4256u
3.62000 3.0032u
3.63000 2.0380u
3.64000 1.3830u
3.65000 938.5304n
3.66000 636.9096n
3.67000 432.2264n
3.68000 293.3248n
3.69000 199.0630n
3.70000 135.0940n
3.71000 91.6823n
3.72000 62.2213n
3.73000 42.2276n
3.74000 28.6588n
3.75000 19.4502n
3.76000 13.2006n
3.77000 8.9591n
3.78000 6.0805n
3.79000 4.1269n
3.80000 2.8010n
3.81000 1.9011n
3.82000 1.2903n
3.83000 875.7567p
3.84000 594.4055p
3.85000 403.4464p
3.86000 273.8372p
3.87000 185.8672p
3.88000 126.1585p
3.89000 85.6316p
3.90000 58.1240p
3.91000 39.4530p
3.92000 26.7798p
3.93000 18.1777p
3.94000 12.3388p
3.95000 8.3755p
3.96000 5.6853p
3.97000 3.8592p
3.98000 2.6197p
3.99000 1.7783p
4.00000 1.2071p
**info** dc convergence successful at Newton-Raphson method
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** operating point information tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 ******
****** operating point status is all simulation time is 0.
node =voltage node =voltage node =voltage
+0:in = 0. 0 ut = 4.0000 0:vsup = 4.0000
**** voltage sources
element 0:vdd 0:vin
volts 4.0000 0.
current -2.0823a 0.
power 8.3293a 0.
total voltage source power dissipation= 8.3293a watts
***** job concluded
** dc analysis of tft inverter with tft
****** job statistics summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 ******
****** HSPICE Threads Information ******
Command Line Threads Count : 1
Available CPU Count : 4
Actual Threads Count : 1
****** Circuit Statistics ******
# nodes = 4 # elements = 4
# resistors = 0 # capacitors = 0 # inductors = 0
# mutual_inds = 0 # vccs = 0 # vcvs = 0
# cccs = 0 # ccvs = 0 # volt_srcs = 2
# curr_srcs = 0 # diodes = 0 # bjts = 0
# jfets = 0 # mosfets = 0 # U elements = 0
# T elements = 0 # W elements = 0 # B elements = 0
# S elements = 0 # P elements = 0 # va device = 2
# vector_srcs = 0 # N elements = 0
****** Runtime Statistics (seconds) ******
analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter
op point 0.01 1 12
dc sweep 1.45 401 83677
readin 4.82
errchk 0.09
setup 0.01
output 0.00
peak memory used 62.19 megabytes
total cpu time 6.40 seconds
total elapsed time 6.43 seconds
job started at 20:01:01 10/21/2020
job ended at 20:01:08 10/21/2020
lic: Release hspice token(s)
lic: total license checkout elapse time: 0.02(s)