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[招聘] [上海/北京/西安]兆芯2020年校招&社招内推[IC全流程软硬职位]

发表于 2019-8-26 15:55:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 micro_st 于 2019-9-2 22:40 编辑

1. 应届毕业生请通过官方渠道投递简历,过程中请扫一下我的内推二维码。

2. 社会招聘请直接发到我邮箱(。

2. 公司招聘官方微信公众号:“兆芯芯力量”。 (校招,社招职位都有)

兆芯在上海,北京,西安 有3个研发基地,是统一管理,合作项目,大部分职位可以选择在3个不同的地点工作。
如果你投简历时选的是北京,后面有想到上海工作,可以跟面试官和HR 口头沟通。

ASIC Design Engineer(X86/SOC)  
ASIC Verification  Engineer(X86/SOC)  
FPGA/Emulation Engineer (X86/SOC)  
CPU Architecture Engineer  
Mix-signal Design Engineer  
Custom Circuit Design Engineer  
ASIC Physical Design Engineer  
DFT Engineer  
X86 System Software Engineer- Linux
X86 System Software Engineer – Firmware
x86系统建模 & 性能分析工程师
SI/PI Analysis Engineer


 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-26 10:00:29 | 显示全部楼层
更新一波社招职位,更多职位可以上 了解。
Job Title
Job Description
ASIC  Design Engineer(X86/SOC)-急聘
    1. X86 CPU /Chipset/SOC Design development
    2. Timing verification, logic / physical synthesis, formal verification,  and etc.
    3. System verification, debugging and performance analyzing
    4. Functional behavior model development;
    5. Function verification vectors development and debugging;
    6. Emulation verification and debugging.
    1. MS/PHD in Microelectronic, Computer Science,  Communication, EE, Automation and related;
    2. Knowledge of digital circuit design, computer system architecture;
    3. Familiar with Verilog/VHDL, and behavior modeling;
    4. Experience with Design tools such as simulator, logic synthesis;
    5. Strong problem solving and debugging skills;
    6. Good English language skill;
    7. Knowledge of X86 architecture is a plus;
    8. Knowledge of C/C++ is a plus;
ASIC Verification Engineer (X86/SOC)-急聘
    1. ASIC design verification methodology research  and development;
    2. Verification system development and maintenance;
    3. Verification flow and execution ownership.
    4. Verification system buildup and debugging;
    5. Function vector develop and debugging, coverage analysis and  improvement;
    6. Function modeling/monitor/assertion and script develop
    1. MS/PHD in Microelectronic, Computer Science,  Communication, EE, Automation and related
    2. Knowledge of digital circuit design and computer system  architecture
    3. Familiar with Verilog/VHDL, SystemVerilog and C/C++
    4. Experience with simulator such as NC/VCS
    5. Good team work; strong problem solving and debugging skills;
    6. Good English communication skill.
    7. Knowledge of Unix platform and csh. Perl or python and tcl programming  is a plus
    8. Knowledge of X86 architecture is a plus
    9. Knowledge of UVM system is a plus
FPGA/Emulation Engineer (X86/SOC)-急聘
    1. FPGA emulation solution definition and FPGA implementation for  chipset/X86 SOC function validation.
    2. Design porting from ASIC to FPGA
    3. FPGA design simulation and debugging
    4. FPGA implementation flow, synthesis, P&R, timing, .etc
    5. FPGA on board debugging
    1. MS in Electronics
    2. Knowledge of digital circuit design, and computer system  architecture
    3. Familiar with Verilog/VHDL
    4. Familiar with Xilinx Series FPGA device structure
    5. Experience with FPGA implementation tools such as synplify, vivado,  protocompiler .etc;
    6. Good team work; strong problem solving and debugging skills;
    7. Good English communication skill.
    8. Knowledge of Unix platform and csh. Perl and tcl programming is a  plus
    9. Knowledge of X86 architecture is a plus
CPU Architecture Engineer-急聘
    1. Developing the module design and architecture of a complex  microprocessor in deep
    sub-micron process technology
    2. Developing the CPU microarchitecture based on function/performance/power  requirements
    3. Improving the CPU architecture for optimized performance and power      
    4. Developing server processor and system architecture   
    5. CPU performance/power evaluation
    6. CPU function/performance modeling
    1. MS/PHD in Microelectronic, Computer Science or related
    2. Complete understanding of advanced CPU architecture and design  techniques
    3. Significant experience and knowledge with CPU design and  improvement
    4. Good understanding of OS and other general software tools
    5. Server system development experience is a plus
    6. Strong problem solving and debugging skills
    7. Good English language skill
    8. Knowledge of C/C++ is a plus
    9. Knowledge of processor modeling is a plus
Custom circuit design Engineer-急聘
    1. High speed custom digital circuit definition,  developing and evaluation;
    2. High speed MEMORY IP develop and research;
    3. Providing the technical guidance to layout, application and front-end  engineers.
    1. MS in Electrical Engineering or  Microelectronics or related fields;
    2. Solid Knowledge of full custom Analog, Mixed-Signal and layout design is  required;
    3. Solid knowledge in one or more area will be plus:
       a) High-speed custom digital  circuit design
       b) High-speed memory circuit  design
       c) Timing lib extract
       d) Circuit formal verify
       f) Full-custom IP in Advanced  Processor
    4. Tape out & debug experience will be plus
Mix-signal design Engineer-急聘
    1. Analog and mixed circuit and architecture definition, developing and  evaluation;
    2. High speed mixed signal IP block design, such as IO, DLL/PLL, DDR/Serdes  etc.;
    3. Full-custom circuit design, simulation, optimization and verification;
    4. Providing the technical guidance to layout, application and Front-end  engineers.
    1. MS in Electrical Engineering or  Microelectronics or related fields;
    2. Solid Knowledge of full custom Analog, Mixed-Signal and layout design is  required;
    3. Solid knowledge in one or more area will be plus:
       a) High-speed interface/IO
       c) SerDes/DDR
       d) SI/PI
    4. Tape out & debug experience will be plus
ASIC Physical Design Engineer-急聘
    1. 高性能、低功耗x86 CPU/SOC数字后端设计收敛及签核验证
    2. 先进工艺物理设计方法学研究及流程开发维护
    1. 电子工程、微电子、集成电路或相关专业,硕士学历;
    2.   具备良好的沟通表达力和团队协作能力,踏实勤奋,积极主动,善于学习,乐于创新;
    3.  有良好的英语听说读写技能;
    4.  有数字后端先进工艺物理设计相关经验者优先
    5.  有TCL/Shell/Perl/Python  等脚本语言编写经验者优先
DFT Engineer-急聘
    1. DFT (Design For Test) technology/methodology research and  development;
    2. Project execution: develop test plan for mix-signal and digital  design;
    3. Project execution: test design implementation & verification; test  vector generation & validation on ATE;
    1. Knowledge and experience on logic design are required;
    2. Knowledge and experience on DFT (Design For Test) including  Scan/ATPG/BIST... are desired;
    3. Experience on Verilog simulation is a plus;
    4. Experience on test program development on ATE is a plus;
X86 System Software Engineer- Linux-急聘
    1. 开发Linux内核态驱动以及相关的内核栈模块。
    2. 在Linux OS上进行系统级验证以及模块级验证, 包括同硬件部门合作进行相关问题的调试。
    3. 对Linux Storage子系统、网络子系统、进程调度、内存管理等核心模块进行分析和优化。
    4. 跟踪最新的行业标准,在深入了解Linux OS行为模式的基础上参与SOC的架构设计。
    5. 维护现有的Linux驱动、应用软件和软件产品。
    1. 计算机或者电子工程相关专业,硕士及以上学历,或者具有相关经历的优秀本科生。
    2. 具备良好的C、C++、BASH编程基础。
    3.  熟悉Linux操作系统,熟悉Linux驱动,熟悉Linux;有Linux驱动开发、Linux系统移植、Linux应用软件开发经验者优先。
    4. 有Linux storage子系统、网络子系统、进程调度、内存管理等核心模块优化经验者优先。
    5. 具有良好的学习能力/沟通能力。
X86 System Software Engineer – Firmware-急聘
    1. 开发X86 SOC平台的 UEFI BIOS / Firmware并且与硬件/系统部门合作调试。
    2. 业内新规范调研,与其他团队讨论新产品设计。
    3. 客户支持与产品维护。  
    1. 计算机或者电子工程相关专业,硕士及以上学历,或者具有相关经历的优秀本科生。
    2. 熟练运用C语言, 熟悉Python
    3. 对计算机系统结构有一定了解;熟悉嵌入式软件开发。
    4. 熟悉AMI/BYO/ZDK BIOS code,熟悉EDKII/UDK Code
    5. 熟悉U-boot/Core-Boot code
    6. 具有在富士康/BYD等代工厂从事过X86项目支持的工作经验
    7. 精通UEFI Shell下的工具开发
    8. 具有良好的学习能力/沟通能力。
    1. 基于兆芯x86平台的特性对通用Linux应用程序进行性能优化。
    2. 基于兆芯x86平台的特性对JVM、KVM等基础软件进行性能优化。
    3. 在兆芯x86系统上搭建基于OpenStack、Ceph等开源软件的云平台,对云平台的性能进行分析以及优化。
    4. 客户支持以及开源云平台在兆芯x86系统上的适配。
    1. 计算机或者电子工程相关专业,硕士及以上学历,或者具有相关经历的优秀本科生。
    2. 对性能优化的工具和方法有一定了解者优先,对编译器参数有理解者优先。
    3. 熟悉开源云平台的相关技术,有部署开源云平台及其性能优化经验者优先。
    4. 熟悉JVM、KVM等基础软件的实现机制者优先。
    5. 有系统集成工作经验的优先。
    6. 具有良好的学习能力/沟通能力。
    1. 针对CPU、Cache、系统总线、DDR控制器等关键部件构建性能模型。
    2. 仿真、分析现有系统架构的性能瓶颈。
    3. 探索新的架构设计方案,提供架构改进方案和初步性能评估参数。
    4. 搭建系统功能级仿真平台,为固件、驱动开发提供支持。
    1. 计算机或者电子工程相关专业,硕士及以上学历。
    2. 具有良好的C/C++/systemC编程能力。
    3. 对计算机体系结构有较深入的了解,特别是CPU微架构、Cache设计及DDR控制器。
    4. 熟悉现有仿真器,如Bochs, Qemu, GEM5等。

发表于 2019-9-29 23:19:30 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2019-10-8 10:20:16 | 显示全部楼层

viviy 发表于 2019-9-29 23:19

发表于 2023-2-20 14:53:37 | 显示全部楼层

viviy 发表于 2019-9-29 23:19

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