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Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 13: The instance `M10' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `nch_nbl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `nch_nbl', or define `nch_nbl' before running the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 17: The instance `M9' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `nch_nbl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `nch_nbl', or define `nch_nbl' before running the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 21: The instance `M7' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `nch_nbl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `nch_nbl', or define `nch_nbl' before running the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 25: The instance `M0' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `nch_nbl'. Either include the file containing the definition of `nch_nbl', or define `nch_nbl' before running the simulation.
Reading link: /app/analog/SPECTRE-18.10.169/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/discipline.h
Reading file: /app/analog/SPECTRE-18.10.169/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/disciplines.vams
Reading link: /app/analog/SPECTRE-18.10.169/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.h
Reading file: /app/analog/SPECTRE-18.10.169/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.vams
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 46.122 ms, elapsed = 33.329 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 200.748 ms, elapsed = 132.651 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 59.6 Mbytes. |