Dr. Middlebrook was a leading proponent of "Design-Oriented Analysis" (D-OA) of electrical circuits,[6][7] which is a circuit analysis technique that seeks to develop circuit equations that are simple yet physically insightful. He developed many of the tools of D-OA including the Extra element theorem and the General Feedback Theorem.[8] His goal with D-OA was to fundamentally change the way electrical engineering is taught in order to focus on practical design rather than circuit analysis. Middlebrook advocated keeping circuit analysis and equations as simple as possible, only adding additional complexity when experiments show it to be necessary. Many engineers who have studied D-OA after a traditional electrical engineering education have asked why circuit analysis is not taught in school using Middlebrook's methods.[7][9] A catchphrase familiar to Professor Middlebrooke's Caltech students is his dogged assertion of 'salient points' in the application of his D-OA methodology during instruction or in redline on graded (homework) assignments or tests.
He wrote several books including An Introduction to Junction Transistor Theory, which helped early electrical engineers devise practical applications for the transistor.