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Elliott 2003 - Antenna Theory and Design (Revised Ed), 624pp.
ISBN: 0471449962
ISBN13: 9780471449966
Publisher: Wiley
Pub. Date: 2003
"A Classic Reissue in the IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory"
Donald G. Dudley, Series Editor
"Beautifully and clearly written and of the highest technical quality."
–Dr. Robert J. Mailloux, AFRL/SNH
"A classic work in the field. There are many unique descriptions of key electromagnetic concepts discussed in this text that are not found anywhere else. The author is one of the top researchers in this field. Many of his students are also leading researchers in this field. This text has been used by many of the senior antenna engineers in industry."
–Kathleen L. Virga, University of Arizona, Tucson
First published in 1981, Robert S. Elliott’s Antenna Theory and Design is one of the most significant works in electromagnetic theory and applications. In its broad-ranging, analytic treatment, replete with supporting experimental evidence, Antenna Theory and Design conveys fundamental methods of analysis that can be used to predict the electromagnetic behavior of nearly everything that radiates. After more than two decades, it remains a key resource for students, professors, researchers, and engineers who require a comprehensive, in-depth treatment of the subject.
ROBERT S. ELLIOTT received a BS from Columbia University and an MS and PhD from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and later served as the first department chairman of UCLA. He was the first person to hold the Hughes Distinguished Chair in Electromagnetics at UCLA and was the recipient of the APS Distinguished Achievement Award in 1988, as well as a half-dozen Best Teacher Awards, two Best Paper Awards from the IEEE, election to Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy of Engineering. He became a Fellow of the IEEE in 1961 and in 2000 received an IEEE Third Millennium Medal. Dr. Elliott is also the author of Electromagnetics.
In response to requests, IEEE is now reissuing this classic. Newly revised, it once again will be an invaluable textbook and an enduring reference for practicing engineers. |