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[求助] 求书《Network Scattering Parameters》

发表于 2017-8-16 12:38:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Advanced Series in Circuits and Systems: Volume 2Network Scattering ParametersBy (author): R Mavaddat (University of Western Australia)

Network scattering parameters are powerful tools for the analysis and design of high frequency and microwave networks. A comprehensive review of network scattering parameters is given with detailed discussion of their application in the analysis of stability, input and output reflection coefficients, power gains and other network parameters. Generalised scattering parameters are introduced in later chapters. The aim of this book is to give a thorough working knowledge of scattering parameters and their application in circuit analysis and design. To this end numerous illustrative examples are given in each chapter. The book should prove to be a useful companion to practicing engineers, as well as, to students and teachers in the field of HF, microwaves and optics.

  • Introduction and the Scattering Parameters of a 1-Port Network
  • The Scattering Parameters of a 2-Port Network
  • Impedance Transforming Properties of a 2-Port Network
  • Stability Considerations of a 2-Port Network
  • Power Considerations of a 2-Port Network
  • Generalised Scattering Parameters of a 2-Port Network
  • The Scattering Parameters of an N-Port Network

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