Date = January 4, 2017
Test model: v69a_dq_34_1066 ...
Starting HSpice job with input v69a_dq_34_1066\clktPAD.spi
Spice run (TYP) aborted.
See file v69a_dq_34_1066\clktPAD.msg for information.
Curve rising waveform not generated.
Starting HSpice job with input v69a_dq_34_1066\pretest_PAD.sp
Unable to open v69a_dq_34_1066\pretest_PAD.mt0 for reading
Please check if SPICE simulator is properly installed and the environment variable path is correctly set
Error in Analysis for Pin PAD
SPICE deck Test ...Input File Name = v89c_dq.t2b
Test model: v89c_dq_34_1600 ...
Starting HSpice job with input v89c_dq_34_1600\clktPAD.spi
Starting HSpice job with input v89c_dq_34_1600\pretest_PAD.sp
Unable to open v89c_dq_34_1600\pretest_PAD.mt0 for reading
Please check if SPICE simulator is properly installed and the environment variable path is correctly set
Error in Analysis for Pin PAD