Has someone cracked questa 10.4 or 10.5 on LINUX?
The modelsim 10.4 crack works on questa 10.4 win64 version, but on
linux I get the "Unable to checkout a viewer license necessary for use of the ModelSim graphical user interface.
Vsim is closing." error?
Questa 10.3_1 is working fine on linux. Maybe the problem is that 10.4 uses flexlm 11.11or something?
Can someone provide a link to a valid linux crack for questa 10.4 or 10.5 or post a tutorial
on how to do it?
Unfortunately, I can only confirm that MentorKG is no longer generating proper licenses for the recent Mentor tools
(if you already have cracked it for windows maybe the same type of patch will fix it also on Linux...)