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楼主: Yarra

MentorKG younger 2012

发表于 2017-2-22 17:32:53 | 显示全部楼层

    Thank you!
I'm using Catapult 8a. In both situations (running my previous designs or compiling the provided examples by Catapult itself), after selecting the technology files (for example Design Compiler 065nm), below errors arise:

# Warning: Could not read Encrypted Liberty technology library file 'sample_065nm.clib' specified in a catapult library, in the paths specified () (LIB-147)

# Warning: Downstream flows that depend on a Encrypted Liberty file(s) will not be able to run. Please check option ComponentLibs/TechLibSearchPath. (LIB-191)

# Warning: Could not read Liberty technology library file 'sample_065nm.lib' specified in a catapult library, in the paths specified () (LIB-147)

# Warning: Downstream flows that depend on a Liberty file(s) will not be able to run. Please check option ComponentLibs/TechLibSearchPath. (LIB-191)

# Warning: Could not read Synopsys DB technology library file 'sample_065nm.db' specified in a catapult library, in the paths specified () (LIB-147)

# Warning: Downstream flows that depend on a Synopsys DB file(s) will not be able to run. Please check option ComponentLibs/TechLibSearchPath. (LIB-191)

This error does not allow me to view the "Gantt chart" and have manipulations there. Also "Schematic" file is not being created. No matter I select Design compiler libraries or others. In all of them, above errors appear. I also checked the library paths. All of them are correct. Do you use Catapult? Do you have the same problem? I also installed it inside other computers too. The situation is the same.
发表于 2017-3-8 23:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
New catapult feature name is CatapultHLS*.
发表于 2017-3-8 23:55:32 | 显示全部楼层

New catapult feature name is CatapultHLS*.
blackonyxkr 发表于 2017-3-8 23:12

    Thank you!
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