You can separate the Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Phase Modulation (PM)
components of the total noise by calculating components in-phase (AM
component) and in quadrature (PM component) with the carrier by using PAC
and BPN PHASENOISE analysis. The output and measure syntax separates
AM/PM noise.
■ If you use the NLP algorithm (METHOD=0) default, HSPICE RF calculates
only the phase noise component.
■ If you use either the PAC algorithm (METHOD=1) or the BPN algorithm
(METHOD=2), HSPICE RF adds both the phase and amplitude noise
components together to show the total noise at the output.
PM[NOISE] Measures the phase modulation noise from the specified first to the
second IFB frequency points (when .OPTION PHASENOISEAMPM=1)
AM[NOISE] Measures the amplitude modulation noise from the specified first to the
second IFB frequency points (when .OPTION PHASENOISEAMPM=1)
Example : These AM/PM sample commands find the amplitude modulation (AM)
and phase modulation (PM) noise across the specified input frequency
.measure PHASENOISE amp1 AM phnoise from=100k to 400k
.measure PHASENOISE pmp1 PM phnoise from=10meg to=30meg