发表于 2018-9-3 21:14:35
回复 8# 电子新手是也
Yes. The phase noise plot comes from the psd- fft of the auto-correlation function of the oscillation waveform (traditional definition, or the fft of the oscillation phase(IEEE definition) ). When you do the fft in MATLAB, you have the resolution frequency. Your phase noise plot is spread from 0 to fout/2 with the finite number of points (nr_points). The resolution frequency (fres) is fout/2/_nr_points. If fres is larger than 1, which means the spur value on phase noise plot is underestimated since the spur energy is the same but spread by fres. Consequently, you can calculate the spur from PN plot by adding 10*log10(fres). But this is typically not the real case (I observed when using R&S) when you calculated from a phase noise analyzer since a phase noise analyzer has different fres at different frequency offset.
Regarding calculating phase noise from the spectrum, you can also do something similar. The spectrum analyzer is used to calculate the spectrum of the oscillation waveform instead of psd. You can calculate the noise to signal ratio from a spectrum at a certain offset frequency on the spectrum analyzer, then subtracting 10*log10(fres). Basically, you calculated NSR at 1Hz bandwidth... |