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设备工程师 equipment engineer 简历发
有缘千里来相会的芯相会&芯得 boss@hi-talent.com 1.负责半导体Photo/PVD/Etch/Plating/Wet Bench/Furnace/Inspection 设备的安装,调试及其维修。 2.提高设备的稳定性, 减少工艺异常、产品报废。 3.减少机台的停机时间,保证生产目标的实现,确保产品的正常出货。 4.有效管理机台零部件库存,确保设备的正常运转,并具备良好的成本控制。 5.能够给本团队人员提供良好的培训,并积极地参与其他设备的交叉培训。
任职资格: 1.本科
。 2.3年以上半导体 PVD/Etch/Plating/WetBench/Furnace/Inspection 设备的相关工作经验。 3.有12寸Fab 经验者优先
。 4.良好的英文听,说,读,写能力。 设备工程师 equipment engineer 简历发
芯相会&芯得 boss@hi-talent.com
In this job the candidate will be a member of highly talented and dedicatedteam of equipment stability maintenance and new equipment evaluation forLCoS(Liquid Cristal on Silicon). The position is focused primarily on equimentperiod maintenace (PM), duty shift for equipment stability and trouble shootingof mass production, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) improving, newequipment survey and capacity expasion support in a semiconductor company. TheLCOS equipment engineer will interact with process engineering teams and newequipment development team to ensure that new equipment designs are compatible.
1. Handle wet cleaner, PI coater, PI rubbing, seal dispenser, wafer assembly,dicing saw, scriber, LC injection and wafer bonder equipment
2. Support manufacturing with daily operational problems through hands-ontrouble shooting, equipment maintenance and upgrade.
3. Improve and enhance the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
4. Write SOP of equipment maintenance, help to establish the backup partssystem in stocks
5. Assist in new equipment and tools survey and capacity expansion
6. Communicate with cross function engineers or venders
7. Temporary jobs assiagned by supervisior/manager
Major:Engineering or Science (BS min, MS/PhD preferred)
Experience & Skill:
3+ Years
- B.S. or advanced degree in an engineering, electronics, electricalengineering, mechanical and automation engineering related fields
- Experience controling TFT LCD and/or semiconductor equipment including wetclean, PI coater, PI rubbing, seal dispense, wafer assembly, dicing saw,scriber, injection and wafer bonder
- Good at equippemnt PM schedule plan and implementation
- Experience in PLC software debug, familiar with electric and mechanicsoperation, Auto CAD mastering is highly preferred
- Experience in OEE data collecting, analysis, improvement plan perparation andimplementation
- Exhibit good and open communication skills, be able to work withincross-functional teams, including internal and external partners.
- Good team spirit, active learning attitude and is adequate in English
- Timely and effectively accomplishment of temporary jobs assiagn bysupervisior/manager
Best Regards Jane.Jin 金娟 Principal Consultant & General Manager @ Hi-TalentConsulting Co.,Ltd. 上海芯得企业管理咨询有限公司 上海芯相会企业管理咨询有限公司 Mob: 18502155252 E-Mail: Jane-Jin@hi-talent.com 微信: xinde_jane QQ: 1600548210 Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/1716864892 webside: www.hi-talent.cn |