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本帖最后由 song100 于 2015-6-1 07:29 编辑
我装的系统是RHEL5.8+IC615+MMSIM10 全部是32位其中MMSIM10是用的论坛里面直接安装就可以用的版本。
ERROR (ADE-3036): Errors encountered during simulation. The simulator run log has not been generated. Possible cause could be an invalid command line option for the version of the simulator you are running. Choose Setup->Environment and verify that the command line options specified in the userCmdLineOption field are supported for the simulator. Alternatively, run the simulator standalone using the runSimulation file in the netlist directory to know the exact cause of the error. 随后在netlist下运行runSimulation后报错如下: /eda/MMSIM10/tool.lnx86/spectre/bin/spectre: line 1: ./wrap3264: No such file or directory 我找到这个路径/eda/MMSIM10/tool.lnx86/spectre/bin/,发现是存在wrap3264这个文件的啊,这是什么情况? 以下是我的MMSIM10的环境变量设置
###########MMSIM10########### export MMSIM_ROOT=/eda/MMSIM10 export PATH=${MMSIM_ROOT}/tools.lnx86/bin PATH export PATH=${MMSIM_ROOT}/tools.lnx86/dfII/bin PATH export PATH=${MMSIM_ROOT}/tools.lnx86/spectre/bin PATH export PATH=${MMSIM_ROOT}/tools.lnx86/ultrasim/bin:$PATH export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/eda/MMSIM10/share/license/license.dat export CDS_AUTO_32BIT ALL #################################
求大神指点一二 ~~ 感激不尽 |