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最近安装了hspice2013想要用hspice仿一下tsmc65单管特性 进去给的库文件发现文件格式从以前的smic180的.lib 变成了.l 后缀 (我心里就虚了)
.title simple_nmosrf_gm_id
.param vgs=1 l1=0.06u w1=5u
X1 d g 0 0 nmos_rf l=l1 w=w1
vin g 0 dc='vgs'
vout d 0 dc=1.2
.dc vgs 0 1 10m
.option post
.probe gm_id=par('gmo(mn1)/i1(mn1)')
.lib 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\hspice_simu\tsmc65lp\hspice\crn65lp_v1d5.l' TT
然后仿真的时候 老是出现
****** HSPICE -- H-2013.03-SP2 64-BIT (Aug 26 2013) win64 ******
Copyright (C) 2013 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement from Synopsys.
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by the
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: simple_nmos_gm_id.sp
Command line options: -i simple_nmos_gm_id.sp -o simple_nmos_gm_id.lis
lic: FLEXlm: v10.9.8
lic: USER: Administrator HOSTNAME: PC201412091819
lic: HOSTID: "00ffb42e0e06 902b34bda086" PID: 2700
lic: Using FLEXlm license file:
lic: K:\synopsys\Hspice_H-2013.03-SP2\license.dat
lic: Checkout 1 hspice
lic: License/Maintenance for hspice will expire on 31-dec-2019/2019.12
lic: NODE LOCKED license on hostid "00ffb42e0e06 902b34bda086"
Init: read install configuration file: K:\synopsys\Hspice_H-2013.03-SP2\meta.cfg
**error** (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\hspice_simu\tsmc65lp\hspice\crn65lp_v1d5.l:56184) Undefined parameter or function definition "par1fn_mc" for fn_dice_svtn. Please enter a defined name.
***** job aborted
1****** HSPICE -- H-2013.03-SP2 64-BIT (Aug 26 2013) win64 ******
.title simple_nmosrf_gm_id
****** job statistics summary tnom= 25.000 temp= 25.000 *****
****** HSPICE Threads Information ******
Command Line Threads Count : 1
Available CPU Count : 4
Actual Threads Count : 1
****** Circuit Statistics ******
# nodes = 0 # elements = 2
# resistors = 0 # capacitors = 0 # inductors = 0
# mutual_inds = 0 # vccs = 0 # vcvs = 0
# cccs = 0 # ccvs = 0 # volt_srcs = 2
# curr_srcs = 0 # diodes = 0 # bjts = 0
# jfets = 0 # mosfets = 0 # U elements = 0
# T elements = 0 # W elements = 0 # B elements = 0
# S elements = 0 # P elements = 0 # va device = 0
# vector_srcs = 0 # N elements = 0
****** Runtime Statistics (seconds) ******
analysis time # points tot. iter conv.iter
op point 0.00 1 0
readin 0.07
errchk 0.00
setup 0.00
output 0.00
peak memory used 78.71 megabytes
total cpu time 0.08 seconds
total elapsed time 2.10 seconds
job started at 16:49:56 05/22/2015
job ended at 16:49:58 05/22/2015
lic: Release hspice token(s)
以上是.lis的结果 我又去.l文件里面看了 .lis提示的 "par1fn_mc" for fn_dice_svtn 因为是PDK 提供的文件 所以也没看出个什么
求助各位大大 到底是PDK本身提供的文件不对 还是我引用的.lib文件不对 还是什么其他原因 拜托各位了! |
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