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Tachyon DA's CVC Full 1364 Verilog HDL Compiled Simulator is now Open Source

发表于 2015-1-14 07:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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What is CVC?
CVC is a full IEEE 1364 2005 compliant Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) simulator that compilesVerilog to native X86_64 machine instructions which are executed as a simple native Linux binary.  CVC is as least as fast as any commercial full 1364 2005 simulator.
CVC Features
Fast native compiled simulation.
Very large gate and RTL capacity with 64 bit CVC64.  64 bit simulation is faster than 32 bit on modern hardware at the cost of larger cvcsim binary files.
Best solution for machine generated Verilog simulation.
Implements new  X-propagation synthesizable Verilog expression evaluation algorithm.
Linux X86 support.
Ability to simulate in either compiled or interpreted mode.
Interpreted mode allows for fast elaboration of large designs during the initial design phase. Flow graph machine code generation and optimization steps are removed to speed up elaboration.
Then when simulation speed is important, CVC compiles into a native binary that executes faster than any available simulator.
Built in toggle coverage with per instance/bit and tick period control.
VCD/EVCD/FST design state dump formats.
Latest FST output for close GTKWave integration.  Options that allow using up to 2 additional X86 cores for parallel FST generation.
Full PLI (vpi_*, dpi_*, acc_*, tf_*) support.
Fastest vpi_ and no overhead dpi_ ABI interface to c/c++.
Fully IEEE Verilog 1364-2005 standard compliant.
2-state simulation.
C compiler style simple compilation to executable – no projects and no 3 step design loading.
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