1. If working without local DNS /etc/hosts should be edited: one should add host IP address and hostname (ifconfig and hostname commands can be used).
2. Host ID (CPUID) has to be determined:
3. The first line of the license file should be edited:
where CPUID was determined ealier, and for PORT should be chosen a TCP port number to avoid conflicts with other LM-servers.
4. For VENDOR_STRING phrase 112233445566 has to be replaced with INTERNET=*.* and for HOSTID phrase 112233445566 has to be replaced with INTERNET=*.*.*.*
5. Start license server:
<PATH_TO_ADS_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>/Licensing/2014.07/linux_x86_64/bin/lmgrd -c <PATH_TO_ADS_LICENSE_FILE>
This command can be added to /etc/rc.local to run license server on system boot.
ADS start with this license needs the next command:
export ADS_LICENSE_FILE=PORT@hostname