电阻模型里没有flick noise model.找到几个paper,哪位大侠有资源帮忙下载一下呗。谢谢!
[1] S.L.Jang, "A model of I/f noise in polysilicon resistors", Solid-State Electronics, Vo1.33, No.9, pp.1155-1162, 1990.
[2]O.Roux dit Buisson and G. Monn, "Flicker Noise Characterization of Polysilicon Resistors in Submicron CMOS Technologies", in proceedings of IEEE 1997 Int. Conference on Microelectronics Test Structures, Vol 10, March 1997.
[3]K.M. Chen, G.W. Huang, D.Y. Chiu, H.J. Huang and C.Y. Chang," Analysis of low-frequency noise in boron-doped polycrystalline silicon germanium resistors", Appl Phys Lett 81 (14) (2002), pp. 2578-2580.
[4]Brederlow, R.; Weber, W.; Dahl, C.; Schmitt-Landsiedel, D.; Thewes, R., "Low-frequency noise of integrated polysilicon resistors," Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.6, pp.1180-1187, Jun 2001 |