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本帖最后由 oldbeginner 于 2014-1-8 14:07 编辑
浏览了一下文件,感觉这个文件会是理解OC8051的关键突破口。文件只有rev 0.2版的34页,主要内容分3个部分:
name direction size description
rst input 1 reset
clk input 1 clock
interrupt interface
int0 input 1 external interrupt 0
int1 input 1 external interrupt 1
timer/counter inputs
t0 input 1 timer 0 input
t1 input 1 timer 0 input
serial interface
rxd input 1 receive
txd output 1 transmit
nterface to external program rom
ea input 1 external access
rom_addr output 16 rom address
op1 input 8 operation 1 input
op2 input 8 operation 2 input
op3 input 8 operation 3 input
nterface to external data ram
adr_o output 16 address
stb_o output 1 strobe
cyc_o output 1 cyrcle
ack_I input 1 acknowlege
dat_I input 8 data input
dat_o output 8 data output
port interface
p0_in input 8 port 0 input
p1_in input 8 port 1 input
p2_in input 8 port 2 input
p3_in input 8 port 3 input
p0_out output 8 port 0 output
p1_out output 8 port 1 output
p2_out output 8 port 2 output
p3_out output 8 port 3 output
-direct addressing (Data Memory and SFRs) In direct addressing the operand isspecified by an 8-bit address field in the instruction. This address mode ispossible only for addressing internal Data RAM and SFRs.
- indirect addressing In indirect addressing the instructionspecifies a register which contains the address of the operand. The addressregister for 8-bit addresses can be R0 or R1 of the selected register bank, orthe Stack Pointer. The address register for 16-bit addresses can only be the 16-bit “data pointer” register, DPTR. Both internal and external RAM can beindirectly addressed.
- register instructionsSpecial instructions are used foraccessing four register banks (containing registers R0 to R7). Thisinstructions have a 3-bit register specification within the opcode of the instruction.
Register bank is selected by two bank selectbits in PSW.
- register- specific instructions/b] Theseare instructions which are specific to a certain register and they don't needan address byte (they always operate with the same register). The most commonare those that use ACC register.
- immediate constants In this address mode the value of a constant follows the opcode.
- indexed addressingIn this mode only Program Memory can be accessed. The address wanted issum of 16 bit base register (DPTR or PC) and accumulator (ACC).