DATE: 08-22-2013HOTFIX VERSION: 015
1156102 PCB_LIBRARIAN CORE PDV severeperformance degradation on Linux platform makes PDV counter productive aftersome time
1165756 CONCEPT_HDL CORE DE HDL 16.6adding ASCII character to properties
1169896 ADW LRMLibrary RevisionManager makes updates but the interface never returns to the user
1170635 SIP_LAYOUTWIZARDSBGA PIN NAMEdoesn't sync with PIN Number
1171061 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLACEMENTPlace Replicate Apply cannot placemodule
1171415 CONCEPT_HDL CORE Mismatch in theinterface ports in design bw_hybrid for block a38410_scsp
1171598 APD WIREBOND Cannot load xmlover 65 profiles defined in file.
1171713 ADW LRMBlank linesappear in the LRM - RM-Clicking causes LRM to crash
1172576 SIP_LAYOUTIMPORT_DATAAIF import failswith Error: symbol is missing refdes
1172938 ALLEGRO_EDITOR PLOTTING Export IPF probrem
1173190 ALLEGRO_EDITOR ARTWORKNot able to Add/ Replacefilm_setup.txt file in Artwork control file.
1173750 ALLEGRO_EDITOR REPORTSSIP tool crash when clicking report"Net Loop Report"
1175582 ALLEGRO_EDITOR SKILLaxlDBCreateFilmRec error undifinedfunction