Amplitude and magnitude are both terms used to describe properties of quantities. The main difference between amplitude and magnitude is that amplitude refers to the furthest values that a quantity can take from 0 whereas magnitude refers to the size of a quantity regardless of direction.
电信号仿真中应该怎么去理解AC magnitude这个参数呢,它和幅值Amplitude怎么区别的呢?
AC magnitude只用于AC simulation,电路已经在bias point 线性化了,所以AC magnitude 大小无所谓,增大或减小只会线性地增大或减小输出量,而gain不变。AC amplitude是用于transient simulation,其大小直接影响电路的工作。
AC magnitude 的值一般设置成1是为了归一化分析的方便,分母设置为单位数值,从而响应曲线上读出的绝对数值就是你所关心的增益了。