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Notice from spectre during IC analysis, during transient analysis `tran'.
Gmin = 1 pS is large enough to noticeably affect the DC solution.
dV(I7.I0.I15.net21) = -394.421 mV
Use `gmin_check' option to eliminate or expand this report.
Initial condition computed for node I0.net301 is in error by 1.41362 mV.
Initial condition computed for node I0.net305 is in error by 1.41362 mV.
To reduce error in computed initial conditions, decrease `rforce'.
However, setting rforce too small may result in convergence
difficulties or in the matrix becoming singular.
Important parameter values:
start = 0 s
outputstart = 0 s
stop = 40 us
step = 40 ns
maxstep = 800 ns
ic = all
skipdc = no
reltol = 1e-03
abstol(I) = 1 pA
abstol(V) = 1 uV
temp = 27 C
tnom = 27 C
tempeffects = all
errpreset = moderate
method = traponly
lteratio = 3.5
relref = sigglobal
cmin = 0 F
gmin = 1 pS
maxrsd = 0 Ohm
mos_method = s
mos_vres = 50 mV
Error found by spectre at time = 3.25521 ps during transient analysis `tran'.
Signal V(I0.C5.cap.hn1) = 22.1835 GV exceeds the blowup limit for the
quantity `V' which is (1 GV). It is likely that the circuit is
unstable. If you really want signals this large, set the `blowup'
parameter of this quantity to a larger value.
Analysis `tran' terminated prematurely due to error.
finalTimeOP: writing operating point information to rawfile.
Trying `homotopy = gmin'.
Trying `homotopy = source'.
Trying `homotopy = dptran'.
modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile.
element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile.
outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile.
designParamVals: writing netlist parameters to rawfile.
primitives: writing primitives to rawfile.
subckts: writing subcircuits to rawfile.
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