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在终端里显示“Invoking PrimeRail”,但PrimeRail窗口就是不出现,请问什么原因? 请大侠指点,不胜感激。 我对软件的操作情况如下: 第一步 打开 IC Compiler,然后打开lab中的design,如下:
第二步 在IC Compiler中,选择RailàSet Rail Options,在弹出的窗口设置如下:
第三步:点击 Rail->Analyze Rail,弹出下面的窗口,设置如下:
点击”OK”按钮,在终端里显示“Invoking PrimeRail”,但PrimeRail窗口就是不出现,如下: Information: Library Derived Cap for layer METAL6 : 2.7e-07 2.6e-07 (RCEX-011) Information: Library Derived Res for layer METAL6 : 6.1e-05 3.4e-05 (RCEX-011) Information: Library Derived Horizontal Cap : 2.2e-07 2.2e-07 (RCEX-011) Information: Library Derived Horizontal Res : 0.00043 0.00023 (RCEX-011) Information: Library Derived Vertical Cap : 2.4e-07 2.4e-07 (RCEX-011) Information: Library Derived Vertical Res : 0.00029 0.00015 (RCEX-011) Information: Using derived R and C coefficients. (RCEX-008) Information: Using region-based R and C coefficients. (RCEX-013) Information: Library Derived Via Res : 0.00061 0.00019 (RCEX-011) Information: End rc update. **************************************************************** Information: TLUPlus based RC computation is enabled. (RCEX-141) **************************************************************** Info: looking up power supply Reading reference libraries ... Info: The design may be missing some P/G connections Info: Please make sure the P/G network is properly connected Info: Use the command "derive_pg_connection" to make P/G connections Info: The top 16 missing connections can be found in the file /root/smic180/lab2/lab0_gui/pr_placed_pr/synopsys_rail_setup/miss_conn.txt create_rail_setup Memory: 0.198596 MB CPU: 199 seconds Using rail setup file "/root/smic180/lab2/lab0_gui/pr_placed_pr/synopsys_rail_setup/synopsys_pr_setup.e" Generating PrimeRail command file "/root/smic180/lab2/lab0_gui/pr_placed_pr/analyze_rail.cmd.09_29_11_27". Sucessfully generate PrimeRail command file "/root/smic180/lab2/lab0_gui/pr_placed_pr/analyze_rail.cmd.09_29_11_27". Invoking PrimeRail |