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[原创] 求新书《Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide》

发表于 2012-11-24 15:06:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Cadence公司组织编写了一本关于混合信号IC设计方法学的最新专著《Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide》
Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide

Advanced Methodology for AMS IP and SOC Design, Verification and Implementation

This book, the Mixed-signal Methodology Guide: Advanced Methodology for AMS IP and SoC Design, Verification, and Implementation provides a broad overview of the design, verification and implementation methodologies required for today’s mixed-signal designs. The book covers mixed-signal design trends and challenges, abstraction of analog function using behavioral models, assertion-based metric-driven verification methodology and verification of low power intent in mixed-signal designs. It also describes methodology for physical implementation in context of concurrent mixed-signal design and for handling advanced node physical effects. The book contains many practical examples of models and techniques. The authors believe it should serve as a reference to many analog, digital and mixed-signal designers, verification, physical implementation engineers and managers in their pursuit of information for a better methodology required to address the challenges of modern mixed-signal designs.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1:Mixed-Signal Design Trends and Challenges
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Chapter 2:Overview of Mixed-Signal Design Methodologies
Chapter 3:AMS Behavioral Modeling
Chapter 4:Mixed-Signal Verification Methodology
Chapter 5:A Practical Methodology for Verifying RF Designs
Chapter 6:Event-Driven Time-Domain Behavioral Modeling of Phase-Locked Loops
Chapter 7:Verifying Digitally-Assisted Analog Designs
Chapter 8:Mixed-Signal Physical Implementation Methodology
Chapter 9:Electrically-Aware Design Methodologies for Advanced Process Nodes
Chapter 10:IC Package Co-Design for Mixed-Signal Systems
Chapter 11:Data Management for Mixed-Signal Designs

Authors:  Jess Chen, Michael Henrie, Monte F. Mar, Ph.D., Mladen Nizic, et al


Endorsements"Currently, analog circuit designers must be overly conservative when designing mixed-signal systems on chip—avoiding approaches such as digitally enhanced analog that bring real benefit in terms of performance and flexibility, but at the cost of increased complexity because they have no reliable way of verifying such complex designs. Model-based analog verification is the only practical approach to verifying complex analog designs and thereby freeing the analog designer from this cage. The information and techniques presented in this book are critical to the implementation of a successful analog verification strategy. It is a timely addition to the bookshelf of anyone involved in mixed-signal system-on-chip development."
Ken Kundert, Ph.D.
Designer's Guide Consulting

"Mixed-signal designs require continued advancement in design methodology as well as highly-skilled engineers. The methodology need to span all the way from system design to manufacturing processes to enable productive realization of today’s mixed-signal designs in silicon. This book provides excellent visibility into mixed-signal design challenges and advanced methodology to address them. With its extensive coverage, I recommend it as an important reading for all analog, digital and mixed-signal engineers working on mixed-signal designs."
Dr. Handel H. Jones,
Founder and CEO
International Business Strategies, Inc.
Author of Chinamerica

"The vast majority of SoCs today are advanced mixed-signal designs. Success demands that tools, methodologies, and design teams rethink and break out of the traditional silos in various functional and technology disciplines, and collaborate across the design chain and ecosystem. For over 30 years in EDA, deep collaboration has always preceded innovation—and mixed-signal breakthroughs are no exception. As a global leader in end-to-end mixed-signal design automation and methodologies, Cadence has had the opportunity to team with the world’s top semiconductor companies and ecosystem partners on every significant mixed-signal design over the past 25 years. The methodologies captured in this book go a long way to codify the collective body of knowledge, experience, and best practices gained from these collaborations, and I believe it will be an indispensable guide for all analog, digital, and mixed-signal designers, both new and experienced."
Dr. Chi-Ping Hsu, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President of R&D,
Silicon Realization Group
Cadence Design Systems

"Over the past twenty years in the semiconductor industry, I have experienced first-hand the increasing role of mixed-signal circuits. As a mixed-signal designer, one can no longer consider analog and digital circuits independently. Instead, digital and analog circuits must be architected, designed and verified in tandem.  The Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide is an outstanding resource for both new and experienced circuit designers to understand the many facets of mixed-signal design and verification. The many real-world examples provided in this book, along with the provided example code, make this book a must-read for anyone involved in the day-to-day design of mixed-signal systems."
Kush Gulati, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Cambridge Analog Technologies
Executive Director, Advanced IP Development
Maxim Integrated Products, Inc

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-24 20:01:26 | 显示全部楼层


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回复 7# qhl0222_cn

发表于 2013-11-11 23:08:25 | 显示全部楼层
@qhl0222_cn : thank you very much :-)
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