Warning from spectre during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-840): "input.scs" 194: 'ahdl_include' is not supported in altergroup. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-840): "input.scs" 202: 'ahdl_include' is not supported in altergroup. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-840): "input.scs" 210: 'ahdl_include' is not supported in altergroup. Ignored.
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/zxj/umc18/Spectre/MM180_SPECTRE_MAIN_top_for_corner.lib.scs" 96: Unexpected end of library "endlibrary".
ERROR (SFE-678): "/home/zxj/umc18/Spectre/MM180_SPECTRE_MAIN_top_for_corner.lib.scs" 96: Statement is not in Spectre format. Use `simulator lang=spice' to introduce spice language sections.
Warning from spectre during circuit read-in.
WARNING (SFE-840): "input.scs" 218: 'ahdl_include' is not supported in altergroup. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-840): "input.scs" 226: 'ahdl_include' is not supported in altergroup. Ignored.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/zxj/umc18/Spectre/MM180_SPECTRE_MAIN_top_for_corner.lib.scs" 96: Unexpected end of library "endlibrary".
ERROR (SFE-678): "/home/zxj/umc18/Spectre/MM180_SPECTRE_MAIN_top_for_corner.lib.scs" 96: Statement is not in Spectre format. Use `simulator lang=spice' to introduce spice language sections.