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本帖最后由 mywang 于 2012-9-8 19:09 编辑
【软件名字】: HFSS
【软件类别】:3d电磁仿真 【软件版本】:14.0.1 64bit for win64 【语言种类】:英文 【软件大小】:83M 【破解方式】:无 【内容介绍】:高频电磁仿真软件 【解压密码】:无
请注意 ATCH后旧破解失效,程式无法运行,还请大牛破解
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HFSS 14.0.1 PatchFixes ----------------------- 1. DE26861: Eliminates a false TEM mode validationerror in transient designs 2. DE27165: Corrects HFSS-IE field results fordesigns that incorporate high-loss impedance
boundaries 3. DE28860: Fixes the total field formulation forFEBI radiation boundary conditions 4. DE27402: Addresses an HFSS and ANSYS Mechanicalthermal analysis failure that occurs
when the HFSS design contains a post-processingvariable 5. DE29069: Equivalent circuit export is nowavailable for port-only solutions 6. DE28916: Correct defects in the Edit Sourcessave/load file feature 7. DE27418: Removes a memory leak that occursduring frequency sweeps in HFSS-IE designs 8. DE27005: Fixes an HFSS-IE distributed solutionfailure using the MPI communication protocol 9. DE27696/DE30144: Fixes a failure to import Catiav5 geometry - Note that users will need to install the updated Modeler filesfor CATIA v5 (ACIS 21.0) 10. DE30535: Corrects a false port validation errorin transient designs 11. DE30523: Field reports are now available foreigenmode solutions 12. DE28598: HFSS will now use the correct pulsefunction for lumped ports during a transient
analysis. 13. DE30000: Removes a false HFSS-IE warning thatclaims too many machines are defined in the distributed machine configuration 14. DE30011: Eliminates a hang that can occurduring a domain-decomposition analysis in HFSS 14.0 15. DE29930: Corrects an issue in thedomain-decomposition solver that prevents it from converging on a solution 16. DE31082: Corrects an erroneous result producedby the HFSS-IE Physical Optics (PO) solver. 17. DE30500: HFSS will now provide an accurateS-parameter value when the global material environment is defined to besomething other than a vacuum in the presence of an IE radiation boundary. 18. DE28240: Fixes the ProE/PDMLink geometryinterface to HFSS within Workbench. 19. DE31106: A new option, "Enable distributedOptimetrics using DSO License", has been included in the HFSS SolverOptions panel. See online help for moredetails. 20. DE29136: Links to the online help topic"Differential Pairs in HFSS Transient Network" have been removedsince differential pairs are not available in transient designs. It is a known issue that this section stillexists in the online help however.Corrects 21. DE31357: Eliminates an interpolating sweepsolution failure that occurs when a variable is selected for derivativecomputation. 22. DE30155: Fixes incorrect ordering of layers ina GDSII import when it has an accompanying tech layer-mapping file. 23. DE29060: Corrects stitching of 2D objects indxf/dwg geometry imports 24. DE31158: Corrects handling of arc segments incertain dxf/dwg geometry imports 25. DE31388: Ensures that H-field results can beplotted and are accurate when post-processing variables are defined in adesign. 26. DE13313: Licenses will no longer be droppedwhen the product is idle unless the user explicitly sets the TIMEOUT value inthe FLEXlm server options file. 27. DE29963: Prevents a batch solution from hangingfor non-administrator accounts utilizing LSF 6.2. 28. DE21208: Fixes a license checkout failure whenthe licenses are node-locked to a USB dongle. |