
楼主 |
发表于 2011-8-3 10:19:56
回复 3# bingling512
Compiling library ...
// Reading DFT Library file lib.atpg
// Finished reading file lib.atpg
// Reading Verilog Netlist ...
// Reading Verilog file tcore_7ns.v
// Finished reading file tcore_7ns.v
// Warning: 591 cases: Unused net in DFT library model
// Warning: 15 cases: Undriven net in netlist module
// Note: Invoke with '-load_warnings' to see detailed library and netlist load warnings
// command: add black box -auto
// command: analyze control signals -auto_fix
// Warning: Rule FN1 violation occurs 15 times
// Flattening process completed, design_cells=23282 library_primitives=49881 netlist_primitive=105 sim_gates=52623 PIs=192 POs=186 CPU time=0.31 sec.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin circuit learning analyses.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Equivalent gates=443 classes=199 CPU time=0.13 sec.
// Learned gate functions: #BUFs=2 #XORs=327 #MUXs=314
// Learning activity limit exceeded: static learning process was truncated.
// Learning completed, implications=19906, tied_gates=241, CPU time=0.11 sec.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin control signals identification analysis.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Identified 1 clock control primary inputs.
// /clk (1) with off-state = 0.
// Identified 1 set control primary inputs.
// /reset_b (2) with off-state = 1.
// Identified 1 reset control primary inputs.
// /reset_b (2) with off-state = 1.
// Identified 0 read control primary inputs.
// Identified 0 write control primary inputs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Total number of internal lines is 6222 (2074 clocks, 2074 sets , 2074 resets, 0 reads, 0 writes).
// Total number of controlled internal lines is 4148 (2074 clocks, 9 sets , 2065 resets, 0 reads, 0 writes).
// Total number of uncontrolled internal lines is 2074 (0 clocks, 2065 sets , 9 resets, 0 reads, 0 writes).
// Total number of added primary input controls 2 (1 clocks, 0 sets , 1 resets, 0 reads, 0 writes).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// command: set scan type mux_scan
// command: setup scan identification full_scan
// command: setup scan insertion -sen scan_en
// Warning: Pin 'scan_en' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: setup scan insertion -ten test_en
// Warning: Pin 'test_en' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: set test logic -clock on -reset on -set on
// command: add scan pins chain1 scan_in1 scan_out1
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in1' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out1' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain2 scan_in2 scan_out2
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in2' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out2' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain3 scan_in3 scan_out3
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in3' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out3' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain4 scan_in4 scan_out4
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in4' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out4' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain5 scan_in5 scan_out5
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in5' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out5' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain6 scan_in6 scan_out6
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in6' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out6' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain7 scan_in7 scan_out7
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in7' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out7' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: add scan pins chain8 scan_in8 scan_out8
// Warning: Scan-in 'scan_in8' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// Warning: Scan-out 'scan_out8' does not exist and will be created when inserting test logic
// command: set system mode dft
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin scan chain identification process, memory elements = 2074.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin scannable cell rules checking for 2074 nonscan memory elements.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2074 non-scan memory elements ignored for scannability checks.
// 0 non-scan memory elements identified as scannable.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin scan clock rules checking.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2 scan clock/set/reset lines have been identified.
// All scan clocks successfully passed off-state check.
// Warning: There were 2 clock rule C2 fails (clock capture ability check).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Begin gating checking
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checking clock set and reset for 0 non-scannable sequential instances
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 0 sequential instances can be gated to be scannable
// 0 sequential instances remain non-scannable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checking test clocks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Number of test clocks required = 0
// command: run
// Number of targeted sequential instances = 0
// Performing scan identification ...
// Total sequential instances identified = 0
// command: report drc rules -All_fails > report/tcore_test.drc
// ... writing to file report/tcore_test.drc
// command: insert test logic -scan on -edge merge -clock merge -number 8
// Warning: The "-Edge Merge" option is specified. Lockup latch insertion may
// be required at the transitions of the edge domains in the same chain
// for correct operation!
// Error: Number of chains specified (8) is greater than number of scan cells (0)
// 'DOFile test_tcore,do' aborted at line 24
// command: exit |