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The determination of the frequency spectrum of a pulse width modulated (PWM) signal
with general band-limited input x(t)has been an open problem for many years.We describe
a new approach that gives exact analytical expressions for the spectra of uniform-sampling
PWM signals and natural-sampling PWM signals with single-edge as well as with doubleedge
modulation. For the special case of single tone modulating signals, our results reduce
to those obtained previously using a double Fourier series method. We also show that if the
maximum magnitude of the derivative of x(t)is smaller than twice the carrier frequency,
then a PWM signal consists of a baseband signal y(t)together with y(t)phase-modulated
onto each carrier harmonic, where, for uniform-sampling PWM, y(t)is a nonlinear function
of the modulating signal x(t), while for natural-sampling PWM, is just x(t)itself, that
is, there is no distortion in the baseband when natural sampling is used.