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打印版 Antenna Theory - Analysis And Design - Constantine A. Balanis - 3rd Edition
1 Antennas 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Types of Antennas 4
1.3 RadiationMechan ism 7
1.4 Current Distribution on a Thin Wire Antenna 17
1.5 Historical Advancement 20
1.6 Multimedia 24
2 Fundamental Parameters of Antennas 27
2.1 Introduction 27
2.2 RadiationPattern 27
2.3 RadiationPower Density 38
2.4 Radiation Intensity 40
2.5 Beamwidth 42
2.6 Directivity 44
2.7 Numerical Techniques 58
2.8 Antenna Efficiency 64
2.10 Beam Efficiency 69
2.11 Bandwidth 70
2.12 Polarization70
2.13 Input Impedance 80
2.14 Antenna Radiation Efficiency 85
2.15 Antenna Vector Effective Length and Equivalent Areas 87
2.16 Maximum Directivity and Maximum Effective Area 92
2.17 Friis Transmission Equation and Radar Range Equation 94
2.18 Antenna Temperature 104
2.19 Multimedia 108
3 Radiation Integrals and Auxiliary Potential Functions 133
3.1 Introduction 133
3.2 The Vector Potential A for an Electric Current Source J 135
3.3 The Vector Potential F for a Magnetic Current Source M 137
3.4 Electric and Magnetic Fields for Electric (J) and Magnetic (M)
Current Sources 138
3.5 Solution of the Inhomogeneous Vector Potential Wave Equation 139
3.6 Far-FieldRadiation142
3.7 Duality Theorem 144
3.8 Reciprocity and Reaction Theorems 144
4 Linear Wire Antennas 151
4.1 Introduction 151
4.2 Infinitesimal Dipole 151
4.3 Small Dipole 162
4.4 RegionSeparation 165
4.5 Finite Length Dipole 170
4.6 Half-Wavelength Dipole 182
4.7 Linear Elements Near or on Infinite Perfect Conductors 184
4.8 Ground Effects 205
4.9 Computer Codes 214
4.10 Multimedia 217
5 Loop Antennas 231
5.1 Introduction 231
5.2 Small Circular Loop 232
5.3 Circular Loop of Constant Current 246
5.4 Circular Loop with Nonuniform Current 255
5.5 Ground and Earth Curvature Effects for Circular Loops 261
5.6 Polygonal Loop Antennas 263
5.7 Ferrite Loop 266
5.8 Mobile Communication Systems Applications 268
5.9 Multimedia 269
6 Arrays: Linear, Planar, and Circular 283
6.1 Introduction 283
6.2 Two-Element Array 284
6.3 N-Element Linear Array: Uniform Amplitude and Spacing 290
6.4 N-Element Linear Array: Directivity 313
6.5 DesignProcedure 318
6.6 N-Element Linear Array: Three-Dimensional Characteristics 320
6.7 Rectangular-to-Polar Graphical Solution 322
6.8 N-Element Linear Array: Uniform Spacing, Nonuniform
Amplitude 324
6.9 Superdirectivity 345
6.10 Planar Array 349
6.11 Design Considerations 362
6.12 Circular Array 365
6.13 Multimedia 369
7 Antenna Synthesis and Continuous Sources 385
7.1 Introduction 385
7.2 Continuous Sources 386
7.3 Schelkunoff Polynomial Method 388
7.4 Fourier Transform Method 393
7.5 Woodward-LawsonMethod 399
7.6 Taylor Line-Source (Tschebyscheff-Error) 406
7.7 Taylor Line-Source (One-Parameter) 410
7.8 Triangular, Cosine, and Cosine-Squared Amplitude Distributions 417
7.9 Line-Source Phase Distributions 418
7.10 Continuous Aperture Sources 419
7.11 Multimedia 423
8 Integral Equations, Moment Method, and Self and Mutual
Impedances 433
8.1 Introduction 433
8.2 Integral Equation Method 434
8.3 Finite Diameter Wires 442
8.4 Moment Method Solution 450
8.5 Self-Impedance 458
8.6 Mutual Impedance Between Linear Elements 468
8.7 Mutual Coupling in Arrays 478
8.8 Multimedia 491
9 Broadband Dipoles and MatchingT echniques 497
9.1 Introduction 497
9.2 Biconical Antenna 500
9.3 Triangular Sheet, Bow-Tie, and Wire Simulation 506
9.4 Cylindrical Dipole 508
9.5 Folded Dipole 515
9.6 Discone and Conical Skirt Monopole 521
9.7 Matching Techniques 523
9.8 Multimedia 541
10 TravelingW ave and Broadband Antennas 549
10.1 Introduction 549
10.2 Traveling Wave Antennas 549
10.3 Broadband Antennas 566
10.4 Multimedia 600
11 Frequency Independent Antennas, Antenna Miniaturization, and
Fractal Antennas 611
11.1 Introduction 611
11.2 Theory 612
11.3 Equiangular Spiral Antennas 614
11.4 Log-Periodic Antennas 619
11.5 Fundamental Limits of Electrically Small Antennas 637
11.6 Fractal Antennas 641
11.7 Multimedia 648
12 Aperture Antennas 653
12.1 Introduction 653
12.2 Field Equivalence Principle: Huygens’ Principle 653
12.3 RadiationEquation s 660
12.4 Directivity 662
12.5 Rectangular Apertures 663
12.6 Circular Apertures 683
12.7 Design Considerations 692
12.8 Babinet’s Principle 697
12.9 Fourier Transforms in Aperture Antenna Theory 701
12.10 Ground Plane Edge Effects: The Geometrical Theory of
12.11 Multimedia 726
13 Horn Antennas 739
13.1 Introduction 739
13.2 E-Plane Sectoral Horn 739
13.3 H-Plane Sectoral Horn 755
13.4 PyramidalHorn769
13.5 Conical Horn 783
13.6 CorrugatedHorn785
13.7 Aperture-Matched Horns 792
13.8 Multimode Horns 794
13.9 Dielectric-Loaded Horns 797
13.10 Phase Center 799
13.11 Multimedia 802
14 Microstrip Antennas 811
14.1 Introduction 811
14.2 Rectangular Patch 816
14.3 Circular Patch 843
14.4 Quality Factor, Bandwidth, and Efficiency 852
14.5 Input Impedance 855
14.6 Coupling 856
14.7 CircularPolarization859
14.8 Arrays and Feed Networks 865
14.9 Multimedia 872
15 Reflector Antennas 883
15.1 Introduction 883
15.2 Plane Reflector 883
15.3 Corner Reflector 884
15.4 Parabolic Reflector 893
15.5 Spherical Reflector 934
15.6 Multimedia 936
16 Smart Antennas 945
16.1 Introduction 945
16.2 Smart-Antenna Analogy 946
16.3 Cellular Radio SystemsEvolution947
16.4 Signal Propagation 954
16.5 Smart Antennas’ Benefits 957
16.6 Smart Antennas’ Drawbacks 958
16.7 Antenna 958
16.8 Antenna Beamforming 962
16.9 Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) 977
16.10 Smart-Antenna System Design, Simulation, and Results 982
16.11 Beamforming, Diversity Combining, Rayleigh-Fading, and
Trellis-Coded Modulation990
16.12 Other Geometries 993
16.13 Multimedia 994
References 995
Problems 999
17 Antenna Measurements 1001
17.1 Introduction 1001
17.2 Antenna Ranges 1003
17.3 RadiationPattern s 1021
17.4 GainMeasuremen ts 1028
17.5 Directivity Measurements 1034
17.6 RadiationEf ficiency 1036
17.7 Impedance Measurements 1036
17.8 Current Measurements 1038
17.9 PolarizationMeasuremen ts 1038
17.10 Scale Model Measurements 1044
References 1045 |