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[资料] C++GUI Programming with Qt

发表于 2010-9-1 02:44:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4, Second Edition
by [url=]Jasmin Blanchette; Mark Summerfield[/url]

Publisher: Prentice Hall
Pub Date: February 04, 2008
Print ISBN-10: 0-13-235416-0
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-13-235416-5
eText ISBN-10: 0-13-714397-4
eText ISBN-13: 978-0-13-714397-9
Pages: 752

Table of Contents| Index

Series Editor's Note
A Brief History of Qt
Part I: Basic Qt
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Hello Qt
Making Connections
Laying Out Widgets
Using the Reference Documentation
Chapter 2. Creating Dialogs
Subclassing QDialog
Signals and Slots in Depth
Rapid Dialog Design
Shape-Changing Dialogs
Dynamic Dialogs
Built-in Widget and Dialog Classes
Chapter 3. Creating Main Windows
Subclassing QMainWindow
Creating Menus and Toolbars
Setting Up the Status Bar
Implementing the File Menu
Using Dialogs
Storing Settings
Multiple Documents
Splash Screens
Chapter 4. Implementing Application Functionality
The Central Widget
Subclassing QTableWidget
Loading and Saving
Implementing the Edit Menu
Implementing the Other Menus
Subclassing QTableWidgetItem
Chapter 5. Creating Custom Widgets
Customizing Qt Widgets
Subclassing QWidget
Integrating Custom Widgets with Qt Designer
Double Buffering
Part II: Intermediate Qt
Chapter 6. Layout Management
Laying Out Widgets on a Form
Stacked Layouts
Scrolling Areas
Dock Windows and Toolbars
Multiple Document Interface
Chapter 7. Event Processing
Reimplementing Event Handlers
Installing Event Filters
Staying Responsive during Intensive Processing
Chapter 8. 2D Graphics
Painting with QPainter
Coordinate System Transformations
High-Quality Rendering with QImage
Item-Based Rendering with Graphics View
Chapter 9. Drag and Drop
Enabling Drag and Drop
Supporting Custom Drag Types
Clipboard Handling
Chapter 10. Item View Classes
Using the Item View Convenience Classes
Using Predefined Models
Implementing Custom Models
Implementing Custom Delegates
Chapter 11. Container Classes
Sequential Containers
Associative Containers
Generic Algorithms
Strings, Byte Arrays, and Variants
Chapter 12. Input/Output
Reading and Writing Binary Data
Reading and Writing Text
Traversing Directories
Embedding Resources
Inter-Process Communication
Chapter 13. Databases
Connecting and Querying
Viewing Tables
Editing Records Using Forms
Presenting Data in Tabular Forms
Chapter 14. Multithreading
Creating Threads
Synchronizing Threads
Communicating with the Main Thread
Using Qt's Classes in Secondary Threads
Chapter 15. Networking
Writing FTP Clients
Writing HTTP Clients
Writing TCP Client–Server Applications
Sending and Receiving UDP Datagrams
Chapter 16. XML
Reading XML with QXmlStreamReader
Reading XML with DOM
Reading XML with SAX
Writing XML
Chapter 17. Providing Online Help
Tooltips, Status Tips, and "What's This?" Help
Using a Web Browser to Provide Online Help
Using QTextBrowser as a Simple Help Engine
Using Qt Assistant for Powerful Online Help
Part III: Advanced Qt
Chapter 18. Internationalization
Working with Unicode
Making Applications Translation-Aware
Dynamic Language Switching
Translating Applications
Chapter 19. Look and Feel Customization
Using Qt Style Sheets
Subclassing QStyle
Chapter 20. 3D Graphics
Drawing Using OpenGL
Combining OpenGL and QPainter
Doing Overlays Using Framebuffer Objects
Chapter 21. Creating Plugins
Extending Qt with Plugins
Making Applications Plugin-Aware
Writing Application Plugins
Chapter 22. Application Scripting
Overview of the ECMAScript Language
Extending Qt Applications with Scripts
Implementing GUI Extensions Using Scripts
Automating Tasks through Scripting
Chapter 23. Platform-Specific Features
Interfacing with Native APIs
Using ActiveX on Windows
Handling X11 Session Management
Chapter 24. Embedded Programming
Getting Started with Qt/Embedded Linux
Customizing Qt/Embedded Linux
Integrating Qt Applications with Qtopia
Using Qtopia APIs
Part IV: Appendixes
Appendix A. Obtaining and Installing Qt
A Note on Licensing
Installing Qt/Windows
Installing Qt/Mac
Installing Qt/X11
Appendix B. Building Qt Applications
Using qmake
Using Third-Party Build Tools
Appendix C. Introduction to Qt Jambi
Getting Started with Qt Jambi
Using Qt Jambi in the Eclipse IDE
Integrating C++ Components with Qt Jambi
Appendix D. Introduction to C++ for Java and C# Programmers
Getting Started with C++
Main Language Differences
The Standard C++ Library
About the Authors
Jasmin Blanchette
Mark Summerfield
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