1. Introduction 1
1.1 Organization of the book 3
1.2 Analog design steps and tools 5
1.3 Modern analog processes 8
1.4 Trends and requirements of the OpAmp design 9 1.5 Essential parameters of bipolar and MOS transistors. 11
1.5.1 Bipolar transistor 11
1.5.2 MOS transistor 16
2. Structural design methodology 21
2.1 Consider good circuits only 22
2.2 System description and analysis with signal flow graphs 24
2.3 Frequency stability in the multiloop system 27 2.4 Elementary building cells 29 2.5 Summary 34 3. Biasing 37 3.1 PTAT biasing circuits 38 3.2 MOS gm-matching biasing 42 3.3 Negative-TC and zero-TC current generators 45 3.4 Current mirrors and sources 49 3.5 Subregulated biasing 53 3.6 Low-noise bootstrap charge pump 55 3.7 Start-up circuits 57 4. OpAmp gain structure, frequency compensation and stability 59 4.1 Voltage and current gain boost 65 4.2 Frequency compensation 70 4.3 Rail-to-rail IO OpAmp structure 77