encounter: ERROR: The OA2.2 library directory (ERROR: oaGetLibPath cannot be executed because the /home/eda/OA/bin/linux_rhel21_gcc411_32/opt directory does not exist.
Verify that the OA_BIT environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.
Verify that the OA_MODE environment variable is set correctly or unset this variable.) does not seem to exist.
encounter: INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase.
encounter: See the "OpenAccess Installation and Configuration Guide" before
encounter: you complete the configuration step. This manual is included with
encounter: the Cadence product documentation.
OpenAccess version needed by Encounter is different from what you have in IC610.
You are probably using Encounter 8.1 or something with closer version. It needs higher version of OpenAccess than what is in IC610.
If you have IC613, OpenAccess in IC613 may work (for Encounter 8.1). If you don't, try to look for oaInstaller in your Encounter installation file and install it again.
You may find out that your Encounter and IC610 can not share same OpenAccess directory.
you can create another .bashrc file in which OA_HOME is directed to Encounter's OA directory. When you run Encounter, source this new .bashrc file.
Or you can create a alias for Encounter in your current .bashrc file like
alias encounter=' export OA_HOME=Your Encounter OA_HOME Directory \
The idea is to export OA_HOME variable to let it point to Encounter OA directory everytime your run encounter. Of course you need to export OA_HOME again when you turn off Encounter and run IC610 again.