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楼主: dahaizhan


发表于 2024-10-7 20:09:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cyberwillis 于 2024-10-7 22:25 编辑

lee_267 发表于 2010-5-5 10:36
我在win7下安装LeonardoSpectrum2005也不能用提示:mem heak error什么的错误信息

I know is a bit older topic but the problem it's because SmarHeap DLL had problems with multi-cores or multi cpus in the  system and in order to fix this just needed to upgrade those files Sh33w32.dll or Shw32.dll from 3.xx.xx into a recent version may be 10.xx or 11.xx version.

Those files are present in new version of Leonardo or Precision 32bits or other Mentor Programs for 32bits

Just copy this files Sh33w32.dll or Shw32.dll (version 10 or 11) and overwrite renaming it accordingly as it's named inside your program folder.

感觉坛子上所有的leonard Spectrum在xp 32位下都无法安装

     Leonardo can be installed from win 2000 up to win 10 (probably Win11 also) without any problem. However some versions need to fix the DLL that control Threads SmartHeap (from MicroQuill).

Also there is another issue for the user that need mature IC technology will have to be allow 16bits programs for the older compilers execution in modern windows.

For Win7 needs crack, look for NTVDMx64.

For Wind10 there is a package to allow 16bits program execution

Chinese ... -16-bit-app-support

English ... -16-bit-app-support

发表于 2024-10-7 20:14:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cyberwillis 于 2024-10-7 22:15 编辑

appleyuchi2 发表于 2016-3-13 15:42
感觉坛子上所有的leonard Spectrum在xp 32位下都无法安装

Leonardo can be installed from win2000 up to win 10 (and probably win11 also) without any problem. However for older versions you may need to fix the DLL that control Threads SmartHeap - from MicroQuill (as explained in previous reply).

Also there is another issue, the user need that look for mature technology IC will have to deal with the allowance of  16bits programs execution in modern windows.
Microsoft Windows 10 has an extra package to allow 16bits program be able to run in Windows 10 but I don't know nothing about Windows 11. For windows 7 need crack.
For look for NTVDMx64

For Win 10

English ... -16-bit-app-support

Chinese traditional ... -16-bit-app-support

发表于 2024-10-7 22:44:35 | 显示全部楼层

lee_267 发表于 2010-5-5 10:36
我在win7下安装LeonardoSpectrum2005也不能用提示:mem heak error什么的错误信息

      Windows 7 and Up has problem with old leonardo because they was shipped with old SmarHeap DLL that didn't worked well with multi-cores or multi cpus in modern computers and in order to fix this just needed to upgrade those files Sh33w32.dll or Shw32.dll from 3.xx.xx into a recent version may be 10.xx or 11.xx version.

Those files are present in new version of Leonardo or Precision 32bits or other Mentor Programs for 32bits

Just copy this files Sh33w32.dll or Shw32.dll (version 10 or 11) and overwrite renaming it accordingly as it's named inside your program folder.
发表于 2024-10-7 22:50:04 | 显示全部楼层

appleyuchi2 发表于 2016-3-13 15:42
感觉坛子上所有的leonard Spectrum在xp 32位下都无法安装

      Leonardo can be installed from win2000 up to win10 (probably Win11 also) without any problem. However some old versions need to fix the DLL that control Threads (SmartHeap - from MicroQuill, as explained in previous reply).

Also there is another issue, the user that look for mature IC technology will have to allow 16bits programs execution in modern windows to allow 16bits compiler (for older tecnology only).
For Win7 need some fix try to look for "NTVDMx64".
For Win10 there is a MS public package to allow it Look for "NTVDM and 16 bits support".
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