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发表于 2009-8-29 14:53:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 eecsseudl 于 2013-4-29 09:53 编辑

1st Ed was posted at BBS.Taisha.Org on 2006-12-7 00:43
Now it've been updated as 2nd Ed.

================== Preliminary ================

Andrew S.Tanenbaum:Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education 2002

Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas. Elements of Information Theory, WileyBlackwell; 2nd Ed (8 Sep 2006), 776 pages.

Alan V. Oppenheim & Alan S.Willsky:Signals and Systems, 2nd Ed, Pearson Education

Alan V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer & Buck,J.R.: Discrete-time Signal Processing, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall/Pearson

Sanjit K. Mitra:Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill

John G. Proakis, Dimitris K Manolakis:Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall

=================== Classical ==================

LEON W. COUCH II:Digital and Analog Communicatin Systems, 6th Ed, Addison Wesley/Pearson

John G. Proakis:Digital Communications, 4th Ed, McGraw-Hill

Bernard Sklar:Digital Communications, Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Ed, PrenticeHall-PTR

Raymond Steele, Lajos Hanzo:Mobile Radio Communications, 2nd Ed, Wiley-IEEE Press, July 1999

Theodore S.Rappaport :Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall, December 2001

================ Simulation Methods ================

Michel C. Jeruchim, Philip Balaban, K. Sam Shanmugan: Simulation of Communication Systems, Modeling, Methodology and Techniques, Springer 2000

C. Britton Rorabaugh: Simulating Wireless Communication Systems, Practical Models In C++, Prentice Hall PTR 2004

William H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugan, Theodore S. Rappaport, Kurt L. Kosbar :Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, Prentice Hall PTR 2004

==================== Advanced ===================

Lajos Hanzo, T. H. Liew, B. L. Yeap: Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation and Space-time Coding for Transmission Over Fading Channels, John Wiley & Sons (11 Jul 2002), 766 pages.

Lajos Hanzo, C. H. Wong, M. S. Yee: Adaptive Wireless Transceivers, Turbo-Coded, Turbo-Equalized and Space-Time Coded TDMA, CDMA, and OFDM Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press 2002

Lajos Hanzo, M. Münster, B. J. Choi, Thomas Keller: OFDM and MC-CDMA for Broadband Multi-User Communications, WLANs and Broadcasting, Wiley-IEEE Press 2003

Lajos Hanzo, L-L. Yang, E-L. Kuan, K. Yen: Single and Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA, Multi-User Detection, Space-Time Spreading, Synchronisation, Networking and Standards, Wiley-IEEE Press 2003

Arogyaswami Paulraj, Rohit Nabar, Dhananjay Gore: Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2003

Lajos Hanzo, Soon Xin Ng, Thomas Keller, Dr. William Webb: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation : From Basics to Adaptive Trellis-Coded, Turbo-Equalised and Space-Time Coded OFDM, CDMA and MC-CDMA Systems, 3rd Ed, John Wiley & Sons, November 2004

S. Lin and D. J. Costello: Error Control Coding, 2nd Ed, Prentice Hall 2004

Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press (8 Aug 2005), 672 pages.

David Tse, Pramod Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press (26 May 2005), 586 pages.

Lajos Hanzo, Thomas Keller: OFDM and MC-CDMA, A Primer, Wiley-IEEE Press 2006

Lajos Hanzo, Clare Somerville, Jason Woodard: Voice and Audio Compression for Wireless Communications, Wiley-IEEE Press 2007

Lajos Hanzo, Peter Cherriman, Jurgen Streit: Video Compression and Communications, Wiley-IEEE Press 2007

Ezio Biglieri, Robert Calderbank, Anthony Constantinides, Andrea Goldsmith, Arogyaswami Paulraj, H. Vincent Poor: MIMO Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press 2007

Lajos Hanzo, Jonathan Blogh, Song Ni: 3G, HSPA and FDD Versus TDD Networking: Smart Antennas and Adaptive Modulation, WileyBlackwell; 2nd Edition (22 Feb 2008), 596 pages.

发表于 2009-9-29 16:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-30 18:49:48 | 显示全部楼层
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